Fun At The Karaoke Bar

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    Strange ever since Yunlan sign a resignation letter everyone notice him. The higher official watch at him carefully.

      While his colleagues that he don't even know want to give him a bon voyage party. You can say Zhao Yunlan have no time to have friends because his focus only are his father and Didi and now his famous.

     So he was surprised many would pat his shoulder or surprised him with lunch foods. But what shocked more is Shen Wei coming with his Didi to surprise him. Shen Wei looking up and down the building.

    "Do you mean this is where Yunlan work? This castle is quite bigger than my castle!" He said. And the door of the building surprised him and almost jump back when the door talk and open itself. Making Xen xen almost laugh at him.

    But the most comedy about to happen when he don't want to enter the elevator. Xen xen pushed him hard to go inside while other people look at him crazily. "Sorry his clostrophobic!" Said Xen xen to the others.

     As they reach for the right floor Xen xen pulled Shen Wei just to get out of the elevator making every women giggle. "Such a handsome man but scared of an elevator!" One of them said.

    But as they came to Yunlan's office everyone stared at him. "Whose that handsome guy?" Women whispering at his back. When they came to the receptionist name Ren. "Miss we came here for Mr. Zhao Yunlan! I'm his Didi and this is.........." He was cut off by Shen Wei, "I'm his husband to be!" He shout. Making every women pop their eyes off even Ren.

     The man they're trying to find is finishing his work so he can eat his lunch. Suddenly, "Paging Mr. Zhao Yunlan! Your Didi is here with your husband to be!" Said Ren.

    All of his colleagues widen their eyes, "His what?!" One of his
co employees ask. Yunlan almost lost his footing and ran toward it forgetting the machine their fixing. "Hey Yunlan!" His supervisor shout.
"Forget about it sir! His husband is there!" Said one of his co workers. "His what?!" Shout his supervisor. As all employees look whose his husband. Even his boss and other officers.

    They were all shocked seeing a young sophisticated man with beautiful face for a man with glasses. "Whatta?!! I knew it! That's why his not interested in women!" Said one of them. "Wow! He sure is a beauty! I will gay for him!" As one of them said. His supervisor hit him on the head.

    "Xiao Wei! Didi! What are you two doing here?!" As he trying to calm his breath from running. But Shen Wei cut him with a passionate kiss. Making Yunlan pop his eyes off. While one employee women almost faint. They were shock to see it even Xen xen.

     As Shen Wei broke the kiss, Is it enough to answer your question?!" Yunlan was speechless at first. He suddenly cough as he told to Ren that he will eat outside if anyone wanted him. As he pulled Shen Wei with Xen xen toward the elevator again. To eat at the cafeteria.

     At the cafeteria, everybody was looking at them. Shen Wei was spoon feeding Yunlan while Yunlan doing the same. His Didi is backing away from his Gege and boyfriend lovey dovey moment before he may caught it also. "Those two!" Said Xen xen he almost gagh to their sweetness for each other.

    "Yunlan do you want me to fetch you after work?" He ask. While looking seductively to him. "Why not! If you want we can go on a date after work?!" He ask while caressing his face. Shen Wei smile at him while giving him food again. And a little peck on the lips.

   But when he got back to the office almost all of his colleagues want to know Shen Wei. Where he came? How do you get such beautiful man? Is he the first to woe you? Or Your the one that talk to him? As in how, why, what?!" They kept asking.

    While Yunlan trying to get away from them while finishing his work. Suddenly his supervisor was about to ask something. "No! I can't tell you my personal life on how I got my boyfriend!" He said. His supervisor frown." What the hell are you talking about?! I was gonna ask about your job! But since you told me? How did you get a beauty like him?" That made Yunlan sweat.

    Moments later while Shen Wei waiting for Yunlan to come out many women giving their cards to him and signaling to call them. Shen Wei just smile because he didn't understand what they're talking about. "Cellphone? What the heck is that?!" He keeps telling to himself internally.

    Until Yunlan came that startle the women why a hunk is meeting with a cutey? Until the cutey gave a hot passionate kiss to the hunk guy. All women almost faint. While Yunlan looking at them puzzle until Shen Wei gave him the calling cards of the ladies. "Whatta?!" He suddenly glared to the ladies who look the other way. As both of them left the women whose staring at them.

    Yunlan brought him to a restaurant while they're eating. One of co workers saw him and invite him to sing in a karaoke bar. First Yunlan doesn't want it. But Shen Wei suddenly nod. Making Yunlan pop his eyes off.

    In the karaoke bar, Yunlan notice his co worker Ling Ming always cling to Shen Wei and gave him a drink. "This woman! Is he making my Xiao Wei drunk!" He wanted to scream at her. As he goes between the two of them and took the glass and drink it. Ling Ming was shocked. While Shen Wei chuckled to see his empress to be jealous and forgot he doesn't get easily drunk because he got many wine and alcohol in his palace and this drink just taste like water to him. But Yunlan just gulp everything that Ling Ming gave to Shen Wei. Until he got drunk and took the microphone from one of his co workers and sing. "His tone deft! What's his singing?!" One of his co workers said. "Get the microphone out of his hand! Before someone throw a bottle at us!" Said Ling Ming.

     "Do it! And you will have no hand to retrieve!" Shout Shen Wei. That made all of them back away from him. For Shen Wei Yunlan's voice is the most beautiful tone he have ever had heard. Making one of his colleagues whispered. "I can say love is deft as well!"


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