Sleeping Beauty

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    When the wedding began the lovely couple wearing all red and gold entered the hall.

    Shen Wei wearing a red and gold robe with gold dragon engrave on his robe with the imperial or dragon crown on his head. While Yunlan also wearing a red robe with a phoenix engrave on his long robe while on  his head is a pin with the moon and stars and also have the pair of the imperial crown.

    Shen Wei notice his handsome bride to be is a little shaky. "What's wrong Yunlan? Are you having cold feet. If so, weather you like it or not you have no choice but to marry me!" As he tease. "It my first time marrying someone! What do you want me to do?!" Shen Wei suddenly held his cold hands and kiss it. "Don't worry you won't be alone! Just remembered I'm here!" As Shen Wei smiled at him.

     Suddenly the gong ring indicating they should entered the imperial hall. Shen Wei pulled Yunlan toward it . That new door of their life as they will welcome it with a smile.

    Everyone welcome them and cheer. Until both reach the throne and blessed by their priest. As both sit on their thrones. Everyone cheered and clapped for their Emperor have found his empress.

   But suddenly the wheels of life have turned that made Chang'e happiness for his son change. As she remembered what Fate told her.  The reign of Shen Wei will be over while Yunlan will be on the top but still he won't let go off his hand.

     Long Wa notice it, What's wrong Chang'e?" He ask. Suddenly a bright arrow appear out of nowhere and hit Shen Wei on the heart. Everyone scream while the guards tried to find who done it. "Xiao Wei!!!" Shout Yunlan. As he fall into his arms. "Sweet butt...." As he close his eyes forever.

    General Da quing have captured one of the rebel leader. The arrow was given by one of the god. But he didn't tell who is it. As he was taken to the dungeon to be interrogate.

    Shen Wei on the other hand was taken back to their room. Yunlan was so shocked on what happened as the doctors and nurses tried to revive him. Long Wa and Chang'e ran toward them to help. Even Xin CI and Xen xen.

     "Xiao Wei! Don't leave me!" Cried Yunlan while holding his lifeless hand. The doctor tried to remove the arrow but can't, "What kind of arrow is this?!"

    Suddenly Long Wa came and took the arrow out with one pull. The doctors were all astonished to him, "Who is this guy?!" They said.

    But still Shen Wei still sleeping like an angel. "Why won't he woke up?" Ask Yunlan. "This arrow! It's use by one of the gods! Don't worry son the emperor will wake up." As Long Wa ran and disappeared in mid air. "Everyone was shocked  on what kind of man he is. But Yunlan ignored him. Still he didn't leave his husband side and cried. His father comfort him and look at the woman beside Yunlan as he sense that woman is not an ordinary woman.

    "Son! Be brave Shen Wei will wake up any minute!" Said Xin ci. He called suddenly Xen xen to take over before he wheeled his wheel chair and pulled the woman beside Yunlan.

    When they were at the corner. "How could you this to our son happiness! Isn't it enough you broke my heart and left us!" As he looked at the woman. The woman suddenly change back to Chang'e, "It isn't me! I would never kill a human that's against our rules! If we did that we will loose our power!" Said Chang'e.

    "Did you do it?! Do you hate Shen Wei that much!" They were shock seeing Yunlan behind them. Hearing everything. "Son! I swear I didn't do it!" As she tried to reach his hand. Yunlan swat it. "I hate you! Don't ever show up your face to me again!" As he ran toward their room. Leaving Chang'e crying while his husband comfort him.

    At the other castle the news reach Yezun. "What?! Is my Gege dead?!"  He ask the messenger. "No sire but his still unconcious!" The messenger said. Yezun suddenly smirk. "What will happen now if theirs no emperor? Who will lead the kingdom?" He ask the messenger. "They say the new empress will lead the kingdom until the emperor is awaken!"

    That made Yezun stand. "What?! That should have been me! I'm the second in the thrown!" He shout. "But sire! His married to Yunlan! Prime Minister Lin Jing appointed him and the other ministers!" Said the messenger.

    "Then maybe we should pay him a visit, my empress to be!" As he smirk.

     When night came, "Sire! Would you like another bed?" As the servant. "No! I like to sleep beside my husband!" Said Yunlan. The servant bow and left.

    "Xiao Wei! Don't worry until your not yet well I'm gonna take care of our home, our kingdom! So please wake up! You said you have promise me a surprise in our honeymoon! But I can't believe it, it become a tragic thing!" As he cried to Shen Wei.

    On the other hand Shen Wei is in his dream, "Where am I?!  Sweet butt?! Where are you?" As he suddenly saw a  river. Suddenly it mirrored Yunlan whose  crying beside him. "Am I dead?" He ask himself. "No!" He almost jump up, when the god of dream came, Duke Zhou Gong. "Your only asleep! But can't be wake for that arrow that pierce your heart made you sleep forever!" Shen Wei almost pop his eyes off. "How can I take the spell off?" He ask.

    He pointed suddenly to Yunlan. That man beside you? He loves you truly if he can love you within a month without falling in love to anyone except you! Then the spell will be broken!" That made Shen Wei smile. "But if fall inlove with another and forgotten you! I'm sorry but you will sleep forever!" Said the Duke.

    But suddenly they heard moaning, as both look at the river. Shen Wei was shocked. Yunlan is making love to him even though his sleeping.  He made Shen Wei's prize thrust into him as his body riding into him while kissing Shen Wei passionately.

    That made Shen Wei red and almost shout in frustration. The Duke wanna peek on what's happening. But Shen Wei block him. "Stop! Don't look! It's our private thing!" He shout to the Duke. "Don't be stinging I want to see what's happening?!" But Shen Wei won't let him. "Sweet butt! I promise to you after I woke up! You gonna scream until morning!" He told himself.



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