Crimson Red

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Chapter 2

I wake up with a gasp. I look around and I'm in a hospital bed my clothes still on me. Except I'm wearing a different shirt. I blink trying to knock the haze from my eyes. I look over and I see a nurse with blonde hair in a pony tail and in black scrubs. She turns around and I see Steph. “Hey, honey.” She says with a worried smile. I give her a tired smile back. “How you feeling?” “Okay, a little sick though.” She nods. “Do you remember anything?” I shudder I remember everything but I can't tell her anything, or else I will really be locked up in a nut house. I shake my head no. “Well, maybe the boy that brought you in will know something.” I raise an eyebrow at her. “What boy?” She looks down like she is thinking. “Tall, tan skin, dark eyes, black hair.” I wonder who that is since the description is kind of vague. “Is the boy still here?” I ask. “No, he brought you in, waited until you were checked and told to be fine then he took off.” “Did he have green eyes?” I ask. “Maybe, I didn't really get a good look at him.” So that could be, Scott, Derek or some other random guy.

“What happened to me. Did the doctor say anything?” “Yeah, he said you, were gonna be fine, but you looked like you were attacked by some animal. We were waiting for you to wake up so we could determine what kind. But you almost went into shock a few times, your body I mean. But you will be fine, just hopefully that bite mark will go away.” I look down at my left arm which is wrapped in a thick gauze. “We can go when my shift is over, since you live with a nurse you're free to go.” I smile at this I hate hospitals.

“I have to go I'll be right back. You can get ready if you want.” I nod. I get up and my arm sears with pain. I close my eyes to stop myself from yelling out. I walk over to my hoodie sitting on the chair and pick it up, my phone is their too. How did I not lose it?

There's a knocking on my door. I turn around to come face to face with Derek. I back up to the wall. “Macy calm down, I'm not here to hurt you.” I swallow nervously. “You okay?” He asks. I nod slowly. “What did you see?” “Nothing, I don't remember anything.” “You're lying.” “No, I'm not.” I insist. “Macy what did see?” He asks his voice kinder than it was when I saw him in the woods. “A woman, that's it. You should leave.” I pull my hair out of it's but and run a hand through it. While my back is to him, hopefully he'll leave.

“Macy, if you think telling me, what you saw is gonna make me think your crazy you're wrong. Nothing you can say will make me think your crazy.” I sit down on my bed. “Did she have claws?” My head shoots up from looking down at the floor. Does he know what she was? I nod slowly. “They were on her feet too.” “Anything else you can tell me about her?” I close my eyes maybe he will believe me. “She had fangs.” “What color were her eyes?” “Red. Crimson red.”

“Macy, if weird things start happening to you tell a kid named Scott McCall and he'll tell me and I can help you.” I nod. I go to press him for more information but he get's up and walks away. I didn't even get a chance to ask him if he was the one who saved me. I would have thanked him.


“Ready to go home sweetie?” Stephanie asks. I nod. We walk out and I feel nauseous. Am I supposed to feel like this?


I walked into school the next day which was economics. The bite on my arm is still there so I don't wear short sleeves today and I go to sit down and class and try to find a seat. I'm about to turn back around skip class when I hear Scott. “Macy, sit here.” He says gesturing to a empty seat behind him. I look back at the door then decide to walk over to Scott and sit down.

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