Macy Is The Queen

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Chapter 5

I sat in the back of the bus in between Scott and Stiles my head on Scott's shoulder. We had the cross country meet and the last few days have been a huge blur of emotions and stress.

A random kid was standing on the bus. “Back to your seat.” Coach ordered. I closed my head trying to fight off the headache. Isaac and Boyd were a few seats in front of me, Ethan was also here and I wanted nothing more than to slap the stupid off of his face.


My mind went back to a few days ago when I approached Allison at school. I walked up to her at her locker. “Hey, huntress.” She shut her locker fast and looked at me in shock. “What did you say?” She asked. “I said hey, huntress.” I reiterated. “Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Derek told me everything, and there's something I wanted to ask you.” “Okay, I'll ask for more information later but, what do you want to ask?” “Can you teach me how to fight?” “Yeah of course, is that it?” I nod. I want to learn how to stop being the victim.


Yo Macy, Scotty.” Stiles says snapping his fingers. “You guys still with me?” He asks. “Yeah, sorry what was the word?” I ask. “Anachronism.” Stiles replies. “Something that exists out of it's normal time.” Scott replies. “Nice. Okay, next word. 'Incongruous'” “Can you use it in a sentence?” I ask. The pounding in my head is getting worse and I'm trying not to cry.

“Yes, yes I can it is completely incongruous that we here after what just happened, incongruous.” Stiles replies. I push a strand of hair out of my face that fell out of my pony tail. “Out of place, ridiculous, absurd.” I reply. “Perfect. Okay next word. Um Darach. Darach it's a noun”

I give Stiles a small glare as much as I can muster right now. “We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like five hours, so why not?” I bury my head in Scott's shoulder. Stiles clears his throat catching on that Scott and I don't want to talk. “Intransigent.” “Stubborn, obstinate.” Scott says.

The bus rattles and my head goes into Scott's bone and Scott let's out a groan. “Scott you okay?” I ask. “We shouldn't have come, I knew it we shouldn't have come.” Stiles states noticing Scott wince in pain. “We had to, there's safety in numbers.” I state. “Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's-” I give Stiles a look. Scott feels awful enough already. Scott groans again and I put my hand over his. “All right, Scott, I'm telling Coach that--” “No, no. I'm all right.” Scott says hurriedly.

“Scott you don't look alright.” I reply. “Would you just let us see it.” Stiles says. “I'm okay.” Scott says admittedly. “Let us see it.” I say pleading.

He pulls up his shirt and reveals the wound which is huge slash marks all red and bloody. My hand goes to my mouth. I've seen bad wounds but that is really bad. “Scott that's not good.” I scratch my neck nervously.

“I know it's bad, but that's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal.” “How come Boyd and Isaac are fine?” Stiles asks. Scott doesn't answer.

I put my head back on Scott's shoulder tears threatening to spill over. “I can't believe he's dead. I can't believe Derek's dead.” I honestly couldn't.


I closed my eyes thinking back to when Allison first started teaching me.

“You're pretty good at this your fast, and you're not that bad with a knife for someone who never picked any of this stuff up.” I smile. I just wanted to prove I wasn't useless.

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