Racing Against The Clock

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Chapter 11

Stiles and I ran back to the elevator Derek was still knocked out. Stiles was slapping Derek repeatedly in the face while I was yelling his name. “Derek! Derek come on!” I yell. It's not working. “Stiles let me try.” I start in a panic. He get's out of the way and I throw my fist back ready to slam it into his face. “This is for, telling Stephanie the truth and not letting me murder you're girlfriend.” I snap and swing but he catches my fist before I slam into his face. His eyes are wide open. That would have sucked.

He's still holding onto my wrist. Derek looks around. “Where is she?” He questions. “Jennifer?” I question, “Gone, with Scott's mom.” I explain. “She took her?” Derek asks.

“Yeah. If that's not enough of a kick to the ball, Scott left with Deucalion, okay? So we gotta get you out of here. The police are coming right now, and we gotta get you the hell out of here.” Stiles explains in a rush of nervousness.

I grab Derek's hand and start to pull him up, he starts to fall back but I grab his shoulder. “Whoa. What about Cora?” He asks.

Stiles and I quickly explain we're gonna hold off the cops for them while Derek get's Cora out.


I sat next to Stiles, sirens wailing outside. Even the FBI are here, I don't know why I agreed to this because, I hate cops. Plain and simple I hate them. They took me away from my mother when I was five.

Stiles looks up and we see an agent. “Oh just perfect.” Stiles mutters under his breath with a sigh. “Who is that?” I whisper. “Scott's jackass dad who took off on them because he couldn't be a dad, don't be nice to him.” Stiles replies. Mr. McCall marches over to us.

He looks down at Stiles and I disapprovingly. I glare up at him. I'm not in the mood and he walked out on my friend and his mother then I already have a problem with this sorry excuse for a father.

“A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. Think you can answers some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?” He asks with disdain.

I narrow my eyes. “You know you really make people want to open up to you.” I state tartly. Stiles sarcastically nods in agreement.

“Also if you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.” He gives us sarcastic smiles.

Oh if he was not a federal officer I would tell him where to go.

“Where's you dad, and why has no one been able to contact him, Stiles?” McCall asks. “I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours.” Stiles replies.

“Is he drinking again?” I glare at him. Oh Mr. McCall can go bite the big one.

“What do you mean 'again'? He never had to stop.” Stiles replies. “But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?” I clench my fist, if only he was not a federal agent. Nobody talks about Mr. Stilinski like that.

“All right, how about this? Next time we see him, we'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet. Start with F, end with U. Good enough for you, sir?” I comment hotly.

“How about you just tell me what the hell happened here? By the way I didn't catch your name.” He says looking only at me.

I let out a sigh. “My name is Macy freaking Carter, and I don't know what the hell happened here. We were stuck in the elevators the whole time.” I snap.

“You're not the one's that put the name on the doors, are you?” He asks. I snap my head up and Stiles and I share a look. “What name?” We question at the same time. Argent.

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