Hearts of Darkness

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Listen to: Something I need by Onerepublic


It was a calm two days after everything happened. I was sitting in my room, reading when the doorbell rang. Stephanie was avoiding me, because of what Derek said and Marcus was Marcus but he hasn't gotten drunk in a couple of days. I walked down the stairs to get the door and when I pulled the door open, I saw Stiles' dad dressed in his sheriff uniform with another deputy. “Hi, Macy, is Marcus Fields here?” Sheriff asks, I nod slowly. “Why?” I ask. “We have a warrant for his arrest.”

My blood runs cold. I step aside everything moving slowly. I run up the stairs when I see Marcus in the hall. “The police are here.” I mutter. He grabs me by my throat and slams me into the wall. “What did you tell them you little bitch?” He growls. Mr. Stilinski runs up the stairs and pulls his gun. “Let her go now. Now! Put her down now!” He shouts. Marcus drops me to the ground. I start coughing. When Stephanie rushes up next to me. “Get him out of here!” She orders.

My whole body shake. Stephanie pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. “It's okay. Shh sweetie.” She rocks me. The police drag Marcus away. “You're under arrest for the assault of a minor and endangering the welfare of a child. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you can't afford one, one will be provided for you.”

And just like that he's gone, my abuser is gone, I'm no longer his victim, I'm no longer anyone's victim. I turn to look at Stephanie who is still holding onto me. “How did they know, who called them?” I ask. “I did. You're friend Derek, he was telling the truth and I'm so sorry I didn't protect you. Can you forgive me Macy?” I nod tears prickling my vision. I was free. He wasn't going to hurt me anymore.


Derek called me and told me that he was leaving. I pulled the loft door open. Derek saw me and gave me a smile. I smiled back. Cora looked between us. “I'll give you two a minute.” She walks away giving me an imploring look.

Derek sits on the couch and I sit on the table across from him. “So, you're leaving?” I ask. He nods slowly. I look down. “I'm gonna miss you.” I state. He gives me a small smile.

“Marcus was arrested.” Derek looks up at me. “He was?” I nod. “That's great, I thought I was gonna have to hit him harder next time I see him.” I smile. “I'm just happy he's gone.”

“What happened to Jennifer and Deucalion?” I question. “We let Deucalion go, because my mother once said he was a man of vision, and he knows that if he doesn't change he won't have a chance against Scott and I.” I nod. “Miss Blake?” She was gone. She just disappeared but I don't think she'll last long with an injury like the one she had.” I nod. At least we don't have to worry about them for a while. “What happened to your shoulder?” Derek asks. “Deaton fixed it up. It's better.”

There's a few minutes of silence. “Do you know how long your gonna be gone?” I question. He shakes his head no. “Not that long, but I don't know how long for sure.” I look down. He takes my chin and lifts it up. “I promise I'll be back. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about you.” I raise an eyebrow. “Why would you worry about me?”

His hand cups my face. His four fingers resting on my neck his thumb on my cheek. He puts his forehead next on mine. I don't move away. He leans closer to me and places his lips to mine. He kisses me softly. He then pulls back. His hand still cupping my face. I look down not meeting his eyes. He lowers his gaze to mine. “What?” He asks.

“I just didn't know you cared.” I mutter. He shakes his head against my forehead. “What?” I ask with a slight chuckle.

“You honestly think, after everything we've been through, I still don't care?” He asks incredulously.

I nod. He smiles. “Well there's something I have to tell you.” I state. “What's that?”

I pull his face towards mine and place my lips to his. I kiss him and he kisses me back softly at first then, it starts to get heated and he pulls me closer to him. I stand up still kissing him. He pulls me on to his lap. Still kissing. My fingers comb through his hair as the kiss come more and more heated. He grips the fabric of my shirt tightly with one hand and the other runs up and down my back. He was something I needed and I never knew it.

I start to push his jacket off of his shoulders when I hear footsteps approaching. “I leave you two alone for three minutes!” Cora shouts. I fall off of Derek's lap onto the couch. I cross my legs trying to look innocent. She rolls her eyes. “When you two finally get it, you get it hard. I'll give you one more minute.”

Cora walks off mutter a few unpleasant things under her breath. I look over at Derek with a small smile. I lightly run my fingers through his hair fixing it from where I messed with it. “I think we scared Cora.” Derek muttered.

“I think we scarred her.” I correct. He gives me a small smile. My phone goes off. I look at it. “I have to get going to school.” I mutter. Derek stands up and so do I.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist pulling me close to him. Before I let go I squeeze tightly. He squeeze just as tightly. I kiss his cheek. I let go of him. His hand still finds mine. “Bye.” He mumbles. I squeeze his hand. He kisses me on the cheek. “Bye.” I whisper softly. I slowly let go of his hand and I pick up my bag and walk out. “Macy!” Derek calls. I turn back around. “Be careful.” I nod. “Be safe Derek.” I walk out and I see Cora in the hall. “I told you.” She states with a smirk. I smile at her. I quickly hug her. “Bye Cora.”


I walk into school and I feel the darkness creep in like maybe things are okay now, but I have this feeling things may get worse. But at least now I have my friends I'm no longer alone. I see Scott and Stiles walking. I walk up to them and smile. We all share one but it's a dark one. We all feel the darkness and we all know something else is coming.

Here is the end of season 3a and it was awesome, I loved Macy and Marcus finally is out of the picture and 

Dacy holy shit they finally kissed and damn they were having a good time the sexual frustration was getting to them. Did you guys love it and was anyone else yelling finally

So they're not offically together and they will have a few bumps in the road about when they finally get together but it will happen trust me.

So how did you like this season and what was your favorite parts?

I will be starting this back up January 5th so until then

Watch your back you never know what creatures are learking out there in the dark

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