Fighting With Fire Extinguishers

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Chapter 4

I was walking into school and I thought back to what happened last night when I found the girl's body. “How did you come across this Macy?” The sheriff asks. I sit in the back of an ambulance shaking. “Macy?” He repeats. “I told you, I thought I lost my phone when I was attacked by the animal, so I came here looking for it when I found the blood and I saw a trail of it so I followed. Then I came across her body.” He writes down what I say and nods. I can't just tell him I have no idea how I got there or how I found the body. “Macy were gonna bring you home, okay?” I nod. “Follow me.” I get up and follow the sheriff. He opens his door for me and I get in. I close my eyes and rest my head against the headrest. What is happening?


I was walking straight toward Ms. Morel’s office. Stephanie suggested it because she didn't want me to have another episode. “So, Macy what happened?” “I already told the police what happened.” “Do you think this will have a profound effect on you?” “No.” “You feel no empathy?” I shake my head. “No, I feel horrible because she was so young and beautiful and it looked like a horrible death. I just don't understand why I found her.” “Maybe it was fate.” “There's no such thing.” “Are you so sure?” Her eyes suggesting something, I don't understand. “May I go cross country is starting today.” She nods. “Macy, one more thing.” I look up. She pulls a notebook out of her desk. “If you feel inspired.” She hands me the notebook. I hesitate a moment, but take the notebook and walk out.


While I'm walking I slam into a hard body and go flying backwards. I purse my lips while I grab my books not expecting the person to have stopped and help me, who would? A hand passes me my history text book. I look up and I jump back. “Now you're stalking my English teacher?” I ask incredulously. Noticing the classroom he just walked out of. I'm looking into the green eyes of Derek Hale. “No, I came to talk to her.” “Well aren't you a gentleman?” I ask with sarcasm in my voice. He rolls his eyes and stands up after he hands me the last of my papers. I stack them vertically in my bag. He holds out a hand to me. I look from his hand to him raising an eyebrow. “What? Nobody know how to be decent to you?” I hesitantly take his hand. He pulls me up to my feet. “Sorry about that.” I nod. “I better go.” I say hurriedly while running a hand through my hair nervously. Why does he make me nervous?

“Hey, Macy. What happened to that bite mark on you?” I stop dead in my tracks. “Nothing, absolutely nothing.” I then start walking again.


I changed into black yoga pants and a dark blue tank top with black running sneakers. The white linen bandage is completely visible on my arm but I don't care. Today is cross country.

Everyone lines up ready to go. I notice Scott, Stiles is here along with the twins Lydia flirted with yesterday.

Coach blows the whistle and I take off running. “Pace yourselves!” Coach calls. Nobody listens.
One kid a boy with dirty blonde hair runs past me and he looked like he wanted to murder.

I run faster after him when Scott runs past me. I run faster something is wrong I can feel it. I don't know what but something seems so wrong. I run faster trying to gain on Scott.

After a few more minutes of running I hear growling. I run faster if Scott and the twins and the other boy are near that growling they could get attacked like me. I run until I see the twins standing with claws were there finger nails should be and their eyes glowing the same red the girl I was attacked by was. Scott is the same except his eyes are gold, and so is the boy that chased them. They all roar at each other. I let out a gasp and cover my mouth with my hand but they already see me. I back away slowly, my chest starts heaving up and down in panic. Before anyone can move we hear a girl scream. I take that has my chance to run as fast as I can, toward the scream. “Macy wait!” Scott calls. I ignore him and run faster until I come to a clearing where a boy is strung to a tree by his throat and he's covered in blood. I let out another gasp he's connected to the tree the same way the girl was I found.

I run a hand through my hair panic starting to set in, why do I keep seeing the bodies. My hands start shaking. Scott starts walking toward me but I back away from him.

The sheriff is called and he is tailed by another female deputy. “Back up! Everyone back!” She orders. “Get these kids out of here!” Sheriff says. Stiles starts talking to his dad about the poor boy. I feel like I'm going crazy, first I see glowing eyes and fangs now I find dead bodies, how is this even possible.

Sheriff then turns to Coach, I can't hear what they say because I'm to far away to hear. “You heard the man. Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid.” He doesn't look homeless.

All of a sudden a girl runs toward the boy screaming. “Kyle! Oh, God, Kyle! Oh, God!” She sobs but is restrained by the female deputy.

Scott, Stiles and the boy curly walk away from the scene at one point they gesture to me. I take this as my chance to run.


I go to English the last class of the day. Which I have with Scott and the twins and I sit in the back doodling, I draw my face perfectly ordinary but then on the other side it's all slashed and mutilated.

I sat as far away from Scott as possible. “I know this is the last class of the day. To be honest, I want to get out of here, too.” Miss Blake says. I look up when I hear metal clanking and I see the twins shoot up in their seats looking at Scott who is smiling and spinning a gear.

Then a motorcycle engine revs outside. Then one of the twins shoots up. “Wait, Aiden, don't!” His brother calls after him. He doesn't stop though.

Everyone runs out of the classroom to see what the commotion was. When we see Aiden holding his bike, looking like he parked it in their. Miss Blake moves to the front of the crowd. “You have got to be kidding me. You realize this is gonna result in a suspension.” Aiden looked pissed.


I walked out of class when I heard shuffling and growling. “Isaac!” Someone sounding like Scott says. I shouldn't help them they have claws and fangs they'll be fine. But my eyes flicker to the fire extinguisher. I drop my bag. “ah, screw it.”

I grab the fire extinguisher and run to where I heard the sound. I see a giant mutated, wolf like person holding Scott and who I am assuming is Isaac by the throat. I raise the fire extinguisher above my head and slam hit it into the back of the thing's head. It dents the fire extinguisher. I drop it with a clank. “Crap.” It throws Scott and Isaac. But turns around and grabs me by the arm and leg and throws me onto Scott. I groan from the impact and slide of Scott. I prop myself up on my elbows and looking at that thing in horror.

When suddenly the tapping of a cane causes us all to turn around. We see a blind band with blonde hair in his forties walking toward the thing. The thing demerges and become Ethan and Aiden. My jaw drops in horror. The man uncaps his cane revealing a small spear and swipes the boys faces with it. He then turns and walks away and the twins follow. “Who the hell was that?” I ask. “Deucalion.” Scott replies.


I walked out to my car when I saw someone come up behind me in the glass. It was Scott. I jumped. “What the hell do you want?” I ask shakily. He holds up his hands in surrender, “I just want to talk.” “I don't care.” “Just listen, something bad is gonna happen if you don't trust me.” “I don't trust anyone.” “You saw something you can't explain, so let me help you explain it. Just come to this address after school alone and you will get answers.” He hands me a scrap piece of paper, with an address on it. I take the piece of paper from his hand and put it in my jacket pocket. “Please.” If I want answers this is the only way I will get them. I nod. “Okay.” I say softly.

So the next chapter is gonna be Macy getting into the supernatural and learning everything about everyone.

How do you think she's gonna react? 

I am so excited for the next couple of chapters because they have Macy finally into the supernatural and I have some really cool stuff planned and we get to finally uncover Macy's backstory and there is a big twist in that one so be prepared.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoy

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