Love Wins

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"UGH! I swear he!" You stormed off into your room shutting the door behind you. This was the tenth time you gotten into an fight with your captain your crush. It's became an daily thing with you and him fighting like an old couple who been married for long time. You was running out insults to throw at him you just wanted make some new medical herbs your captains wants you do other things.

There was an knock on your door. "For heaven shakes! Go away Law!" You shout from your room. "N/Y? It's Penguin" The male answer as you sighed at least it's wasn't your crush. "What it Penguin? I'm busy..." You answer. "Our captain wants you" AGAIN?! that was it! you slammed down the clipboard you had in your hands. "I'm going kill him" You shouted at yourself as you open the door standing there was your captain.

"What you came back to finished what you started? I swear you wasn't an sexy doctor. I would ---" You cut off by him smirking then pushed  you inside the room. "You would what Y/N-Ya?" He smirked at you. "What do you want now? This getting old.. I ---" He slammed his lips against yours this was shocking. Your captain just kissed you! "Do we have to fight every time we're around each other? Y/N-Ya? Or that your way telling me you have feelings for me?" He smirked once more.

"You keep giving me jobs I can't finished one! You baka!" You mutter with an blush on your face. Law sat you up on your bed pinning you to the  bed. "L-Law let.." He started kissing you again as he removed your clothes along with his own.


The crew stopped at an island to get supplies you been feeling sick lately you did not understand why until your captain who now your boyfriend. Did some tests on you he was amused by the test. "Y/N-ya? Your going be an mother." He pulled you into his lap. "R-Really?" You was shocked by this news  he rested his head on your stomach you giggled at your lover. "It's too early Law." You whisper to him before you kissed him. The crew returned to learn about Y/N's pregnancy the whole crew was happy for you and Law.

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