Liquid Sunsets by @licufer.

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First review, wohoo!

Book Name:Liquid Sunsets
Author: Licufer
Genre: LGBTQ+
Fandom: Clikkies/Joshler

Here we go:

Book Cover:

I'll give your book cover a solid 6.5/10. I mean, the cover is great, kinda but it's pretty bland and reveals next to nothing about what to expect from the book.

Book Name:

Liquid Sunsets. Hmm, the title at first, strikes me as poetry before it then strikes me as romance. Up to the eighth chapter, nothing about sunsets have been mentioned so I'm just assuming its a metaphorical name or something or we'll get the meaning somewhere close to the ending of the book. Regardless, I'm giving you a 5/10 for the name.


Your description is short, much like your chapters, I suppose. It's straight to the point though and summarises most of the book, I guess so that's good. However, its a description for a reason. You ought to describe something, not just give a line or two of text. I also think its important that you add in your description that Tyler has only one and a half legs. Since its different, it'll add to the flare of the book and attract readers. I'm giving you a 4/10 for description.


Now, I only read three of your chapters but HOLY SHIT! The description for the first chapter was so precise and good, I had to know what happened in the second chapter. Why was Tyler sitting on a railing? Does he do that often? When you compared his need for adventure to free falling, shit, I felt that. The way you ended chapter one quite intriguing. Also, in the following chapters, you described Tyler's boringness to a peak, I loved it. I could relate so much to the sadness that he felt. Also, Josh appearing when we expected another Mr Dun, that was a nice twist. Your chapters are good and apart from a few grammatical errors and sometimes too much detail, they're something I will read in my free time. You have a kind of poetic approach to your writing and at such, your chapters are the perfect length. Good job! I'll give you a 9/10 for chapters.

Character Development:

Your characters haven't developed much in the last eight chapters but I guess its expected as your chapter length is short and characters aren't suppose to just develop like that. I like the pace you're giving your characters and I particularly enjoy that nothing is in common with the Josh and Tyler we know in real life. You get an 8/10 for character development.


As I've said before, your details are crisp and clear and provide me with a clear image in my head. I think you're on your way to mastering the art of Showing and not Telling, something which a lot of writers including myself are jealous of. You portray your writers and their details in a sort of contemporary way, which I enjoy. 7/10


Your grammar and spelling is roughly always correct but you have a few autocorrect induced mistakes here and there which I'll advise you look into. It'll do you good to edit and proofread your chapters before posting them because no reader likes to stumble on too many errors. 6/10.


Your paragraphs are well arranged and your dialogue is nor jam-packed. It made it relatively easier for me to read. Kudos! 8/10.


Your book was amazing and quite an interesting read. I want to get to the bottom of Tyler and Josh so I'll be sure to be giving it more reads later. There's room for improvement, as expected but you've got a good start. I would definitely recommend your book to any Joshler readers I know. You get an 8.5/10 over all. Good job!


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