First Time A Stepsister by @shezkunmi

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Review number eight for shezkunmi

Book Name: First Time A Stepsister
Chapters read: Three
Genre: Teen Fiction
Fandom: None

Book Cover:

You book cover is cute, I guess but aren't those Asian people on the cover? I read the entirety of your book and from what I've gathered, Yesmi is Nigerian and her step brother is White? You might want to change it to a fitting cover so people know what to expect when reading your book. Font is good though, it's cute and fun so you get points for that. 6/10

Book Name:

Um, I actually don't know what to think about this book title. I mean, it's cute and all but its pretty basic. Don't you want an exciting, mysterious title that'll make people want to read your book, like, I don't know, Being His Stepsister, or Siblings with Mr Popular? I don't know, I guess these are pretty basic as well but I'm bad at coming up with book titles. Just, try to look for something exciting but if you're confident in your book title then by all means, don't change it. This is, after all, my opinion. ^_^ 6/10


By reading your chapters, I can tell you're an upcoming writer who is in dire need of assistance. The amount of grammatical errors in chapter one alone are glaring. You've broken almost of rules of the English language. You've used wrong punctuation, clustered paragraphs, numerous dialogue, too many full stops, a little spelling errors, et ce tera. So, love, you might want to look into and correct your mistakes. But other than that, I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed my read. I'm Nigerian, so I understand our culture very well though I'm hardly ever here. I appreciate how you made her make a mistake in her fashion on the first day, she also seemed nervous when everyone pointed it out. Sure, there were some outrageous scenes where she used 3000$, omg, my mom would've killed me but I did enjoy my read. The comments even made it all the more funnier. I like your book, I read all the chapters. I like how your main character is very confident though has mood swings and is sweet yet not afraid to stand up for her self. Other than the errors, your book gets a solid, 7/10


You hardly ever describe what a character is doing at the moment of their dialogue, love. That alone can make a reader short of ideas and make it harder for them to relate to your character which I'm sure everybody wants so please, instead of statements, actually use details. It'll help attract people to your book. 5/10


Solid plot, honey. Your story is dealing with the adaptation of a young girl in a different environment, how she embraces her new family and how she grows into this process and I must say, it is an interesting plot to have. Thank you for bringing diversity into the writing world in your little way. 8/10

Grammatical Errors/Paragraphs:

We've already gone over these. Your book is filled with a number of errors which will do you good to look into. Proofread and edit your chapters and make them a bit neater, if you can. 5/10


Love the book. Its very different from most I've read and has amazing potential. Please keep writing, I see greatness coming your way. Overall, you get a 7/10. Good job!


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