Behind Evil Eyes by @NiksiJones

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Review number three for NiksiJones
Book Name: Behind Evil Eyes
Author: @NiksiJones
Amount of Chapters Read: Three
Genre: Horror
Fandom: None

Here we go!

Book Cover:

It's... Okay? I mean, the cover is basically the picture of an obviously heavily edited girl with black eyes fading away. It doesn't give me the creeps or anything like I'm sure you wanted it to. The font is also pretty hard to see and nothing too scary at all. I'd advice for a change of cover that actually emanates darkness and a clearer font. 4/10 If you want a new cover, I suggest checking out AlGraphics. She makes amazing covers.

Book Name:

Behind Evil Eyes, hmm. Now that's something you don't hear everyday. I like it. It dark and brooding and piques my interest. If you ask me, don't change it. It fits your story perfectly. 7/10


Okay, this is my favourite part. Your chapters are amazing and very realistic. I mean, your characters aren't insanely rich so us poor people can relate, aha. Also, the girl works at a bar as opposed to a café which many books would've preferred. So yeah, I like the difference. It makes me happy to see something new. I read only three chapters as per the norm and I'm excited to get to know what's going to happen in that house, I'm also glad her friend is so friendly and helpful and I'm happy the main character is happy with her fiance and there are realistic problems like finances, etc. There was a scene where she was showing her husband the house and he said it was totally a scam. The thought that that would've been the first thing to come to my mind as well crossed my mind and I'm glad the characters are very contemporary. You get extra points for that! 9/10


Now here's where I have a problem. Too clustered. You also have more than one dialogue from more than one character in a paragraph and that's incorrect, only acceptable in some cases but you do it a lot. Your detailing is crisp and clear in each paragraph, I'll give you that but the clustered mess of the entire thing is a complete put off. 5/10

Spelling Errors:

Lots of them, almost everywhere. Though your reader might get the point you're trying to put across, it's always frustrating and vexing to come across so many spelling errors. It tells that the author doesn't care or put enough time into his/ her/ their book and it's really disappointing so you might wanna look into that. 4/10


Your grammatical technique is simple and crisp clear which makes it easier for a person like me to understand. I like that there weren't many confusing, sophisticating big words as well. Those who are only beginning to learn English might get confused. 7/10


Your details are amazing. They might as well be a film because you provide with a clear mental image of what you're trying to explain. You might want to cut down on the excessive usage of conjunctions though. 7.5/10


Your book is so realistic and contemporary, its got me begging for more. I want to see how she reacts to the house being haunted and if her behaviour puts a strain on her relationship. Your book had amazing potential and with some editing, advertising and proofreading, you could become the next Wattpad Star! Good job! 8/10


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