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(   ACT I  ━━━  " SEASON ONE "   )


They had been to eight fucking department stores in the past seven hours, and Five still had not found what he'd been looking for.

Over the course of the afternoon, Isadora had managed to pry more information out of the boy... and she kind of wished she hadn't. For one thing, his romantic partner of thirty years, Dolores, was apparently nothing but a mannequin. And to top it all off, he no longer remembered which store's ruins he'd taken the doll from, but insisted he'd 'know her when he sees her.'

Needless to say, by department store number four, Isadora wanted to ram her head into the wall.

The only good thing about the search was that the girl had been able to ditch Vanya's old school uniform, and change into something more fitting. Five had insisted that flannels were too ugly for their mission——Isadora pities anyone who holds themselves above comfortable clothing——so she instead donned a pair of black jeans and a pale blue jumper over her t-shirt; she had once again tied her hair into their customary braids.

She would have traded out her blood-soaked converse, but they were actually decent shoes, and she found herself unwilling part with them.

All for the better, since they were now sopping wet from the rain that had fallen on them as they walked through the parking lot of department store number nine: the Gimbel Brothers.

Given the hour——almost midnight——the store had been completely closed up until morning. So, when they arrived at the locked and alarmed front doors of the store, Isadora knew what was coming. She barely had time to prepare herself before Five had latched onto her wrist, and with a flash and a choke, she was sprawled out awkwardly on the linoleum floor.

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