Chapter I

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Author's Note

Just so you peope know I do not own this story full ownership goes to GabbyGabGabs on Fanfiction. Ok please enjoy
He liked Bakugo, he REALLY liked him.

"Oh god what am I gonna do?!" kirishima said and he began to tear up. He tried to stop himself from letting out tears. To him, crying about such a thing was DEFINITELY unmanly, but the more he thought about it he couldn't help it. He took a deep breath and started to sob. At least he was locked in his room where no one could see him, but it didn't mean no one could bother him.

Someone knocked three times on kirishima's door. "Eijiro? Are you okay love?" kirishima's mom was on the other side of the door. "I made your favorite for dinner and it's ready, come down."

"I-I can't right now mom, thank though. I'll come down later." He responded hoping he could keep his voice steady. When his mom is silent he assumes it works.

"…Is that, crying?! Are you crying Eijiro?! What's wrong, you never cry!" his mom practically shouted threw the door. She tried rattling the door knob and saw it was locked. "My boy, please open the door, what's wrong?"

"I guess it didn't work." Kirishima says under his breath before yelling back to his mom "I'm fine mom, really. Just please leave me alone." He doesn't even try hiding his voice anymore.

"My gosh, hold on I'll come back." Kirishima's mom says and then he can hear her walking down the steps.

With that, kirishima goes back to sobbing. He really doesn't know what to do or how this even happened. Bakugo was the first guy he ever had feelings for. Kirishima's always been good when it came to talking to girls, but he was always good talking to them as friends, he never tried nothing more and maybe that's why they got along with him so well. But he never considered it was because he was into guys!

"Oh my gosh, how? How did this happen?" Kirishima asked himself and thought back on the first moments he realized there could've been signs leading up to this.

There was the moment that kirishima first met bakugo. He was so excited to make new friends in a new class and he wanted to meet bakugo just like he met everyone else. Of course, when he first introduced himself, bakugo made some rude comment about wanting him to die but kirishima knew he was just acting out and laughed it off. He immediately took a liking to Bakugo and decided that he wanted to be the best of friends with him. When bakugo seen this, he eventually got used to having kirishima around and was fine with it.

Then there was the sports festival where kirishima and bakugo teamed up. He never had so much fun playing beside him. When bakugo was basically in the finals, he wanted to be his #1 supporter. He cheered louder for Bakugo than anyone in the stadium and was proud to call him his friend.

There were also moments where kirishima felt that some classmates were getting too close to Bakugo. Like midoriya, kirishima always felt midoriya wanted to be bakugo's #1 friend and it made him feel uncomfortable. When they were paired to be partners for the physical exam, kirishima put on a brave face but in fact he really felt…jealous. He wanted to be fighting beside bakugo and it made him kind of mad that it was midoriya instead. When bakugo and midoriya's turn was over he made sure to run up to bakugo and tell him what a great job he did.

Overall, they were always together in a way. In class, in the halls, walking home, and more. Kirishima loved talking with Bakugo. Even though most of the time bakugo was pretty extreme and tried to stay that way, he did open up to kirishima a bit more than anyone else.

It was today when they were walking home when Bakugo told kiminari and mineta to fuck off when they asked to join them for there walk (they just wanted to poke fun at them). Also, when they reached kirishima's house, kirishima had forgotten about the touching policy with bakugo and immediately lunged at him for a hug. Kirishima tensed up a bit afraid for what was coming next but to his surprise, bakugo actually hugged him back! Not as tight but tight enough to show he didn't mind. When kirishima let go, bakugo smiled a bit and said "see you tomorrow" and walked off. Kirishima's heart sped up uncontrollably and he knew he was blushing hard. He felt as if time itself had stopped for him to enjoy that moment. Once bakugo was out of sight he ran upstairs into his room and slammed the door before anyone could see how red his face was.

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