Chapter X

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Kirishima's road to recovery was going to be long. Upon arrival at the hospital, a doctor had informed kirishima that he had six broken bones, a spranged ankle, and his left eye would be swollen for a while. The doctor also informed Kirishima that he had two options: either stay in the hospital and be treated by a nurse or he could go home and be treated by a guardian or family member, but only after a few day spent in the hospital. Kirishima chose the second option, knowing that there would be someone begging to let him take care of him.

So after a full week, kirishima was cleared to go home; he just needed to stay home for an additional week to rest up and let his eye heal fully. Kirishima told the doctor that his boyfriend, bakugo would be taking care of him while his mom was at work, and he said it was fine. But of course, bakugo turned it into much more. He brought in a signed note from the doctor to give to aizawa stating he was allowed to miss a week of school to take care of someone in need. The person being in need, was kirishima.

So now here kirishima was, sitting on his couch wrapped in bandages listening to bakugo go over rules that he made for kirishima to follow. He didn't want him getting hurt or reopening any wounds. Kirishima thought it was going to be fun to have his boyfriend around 24/7 but at the moment, this was looking like a nightmare.

"Rule number seven: You're not going outside unless it's to die! I'll kill you myself!" Bakugo yelled. "Number eight: don't carry any heavy things until your fifth or sixth day of healing! By then you should be able to move around just a tad more freely."

"Lucky me" kirishima cooed sarcastically as he put his feet up on the table in front of the couch. He didn't expect bakugo to care but he was completely thrown off by his reaction.

"Skippin down to number eleven: No body parts where they shouldn't be! As in no hands touching the floor, no face too close to the TV, and no feet on the table!"

Kirishima groaned and placed his feet back on the floor. He rubbed his temple and waited for bakugo's next rule. "Back to rule number nine: I will be making all of your foods, you can have whatever as long as it's healthy you got it?!"

"Katsukiii!" kirishima yelled as he reached forward and grabbed bakugo's rules from him. He tossed them aside somewhere and grinned at his boyfriend. "What the hell man? Let's do something fun instead!"

"Fun for you is usually doing something that's slight dangerous or slightly annoying to others like pranks." Bakugo stated and kirishima laughed.

"Yea! Let's do that!"

"No." bakugo said simply and kirishima pouted.

"Katsukiii, we have the entire week to ourselvesss! I wanted this to be fun, you can't coop me up like this forever!" kirishima whined and gave bakugo a sad face hoping it would work.

"Sorry riot, but you gotta get better the safe way." Bakugo stated and walked towards the kitchen. Clearly kirishima's pout didn't work, but he had a new plan.

From the kitchen, bakugo still had a pretty good view of kirishima sitting on the couch in front of the TV. He looked at his boyfriend and the back at the kitchen counter. There was chips, drinks, cookies, and fruits left out. Bakugo knew kirishima probably was going to want a cookie or bag of chips, but he knew he liked fruit too. Bakugo looked back at the coach and saw kirishima was still there. He turned his attention back to a container of watermelon and opened it. He took some of the cold pieces out, put them into a bowl, and started heading towards the living room.

"Alright riot, eat thi-" bakugo was cut short when he saw kirishima was no longer on the couc. In fact, he didn't see him anywhere. "Riot? Riot!"

Bakugo heard the sound of muffled laughter and he realized his boyfriend was trying to play some stupid game with him. He growled and quickly looked around. He looked under the couch, behind the TV and in the fridge but didn't find kirishima. It was when from the corner of his eye bakugo noticed something moving by the front door, he turned and saw kirishima trying to sneak out.

"Hey!" bakugo yelled. Kirishima snapped his head towards him and quickly began to make his escape. He laughed when he saw that bakugo quickly followed him. "You shouldn't be running, I made a rule for that dumbass!"

"And I ignored your stupid rule! Come on, have fun!" kirishima yelled as bakugo chased him threw the house.

They ran around for quite some time, with kirishima laughing each step of the way. Everytime bakugo thought he had kirishima, he'd make a sharp turn and get away. "Gosh, just stay still! You can't get away from me!"

"Really? This is my house! I know every hiding spot in this place!" kirishima said and made another sharp turn. When bakugo followed him, he was shocked to see kirishima was gone! It was almost as if he was a ghost.

"Oi, where are you riot. Don't fuck with me" bakugo growled looking around for any movements.

"My, you really are like a dragon!" Kirishima said from behind bakugo. Bakugo spun around to see kirishima leaning against the doorframe they literally just ran threw. "Some of our mates felt that's what animal you'd be if you were one, I can definitely see why!"

Kirishima laughed and ran off again, and bakugo ran after him. "Eijirooo! Get back here!"

"You come here!" kirishima yelled and played another trick on bakugo.

This was becoming unbelievable. Everytime, bakugo thought he had kirishima trapped, it was really kirishima who had bakugo. He continued to play mind games with him and have him chase him all through the house. If bakugo was begin honest, he was actually having fun. He hadn't been challenged like this in a while and messing with his boyfriend was great, but he still needed kirishima to be safe.

There finally came a point, where bakugo found a flaw in kirishima's game. When kirishima had hid again, bakugo went looking for him, but not the way kirishima expected him too. Instead, bakugo found kirishima, but he wasn't aware of it yet. Bakugo smirked evilly and slowly crept up on kirishima. When he was close enough he pounce on the other boy.

"Got you!" bakugo was able to pin kirishima down onto the couch where they started. He huffed and smirked down at his love. "I told you, you couldn't get away."

Kirishima laughed and raised one brow. "You can't possibly tell me that wasn't fun"

Bakugo shrugged and smirked. "It wasn't so bad."

"And the best part is?"

Bakugo looked down at kirishima and noticed nothing different, but that was a good thing. "You're fine."

"I'm completely fine." Kirishima smiled with bakugo.

For the rest of the day, bakugo was actually able to calm down. He decided to bend his rules a bit and let kirishima havea little fun. Nothing too crazy that could get him hurt, but enough fun so that he'd be satisfied. And even if kirishima did get a little scratch, it wouldn't effect him much seeing he could just harden up.

So, the rest of there day was pretty nice. They played video games and constantly argued who was the best player even though bakugo constantly lost. They made all sorts of little snacks that wouldn't mess with kirishima's diet plan and bakugo allowed him to have at least two cookies a day. The had there usual rough housing fights where they'd pull each others hair and hit each other, but just not as rough which kirishima was okay with. In the end, bakugo decided he was going to sleep over which kirishima loved. He had quickly set up his bed so that him and his boyfriend could sleep together.

After calling his mom, taking a shower, and putting on some sleeping clothes, bakugo hopped into bed with kirishima. As usual kirishima just turned to bakugo and stared with wide eyes.

"Something's wrong with you." Bakugo stated closing his eyes.

"Well, if there was anything going on with me it would be you, but I wouldn't say its wrong." Kirishima cooed and snuggled up next to bakugo. "I'm surprised you don't find me gross with all these bandages and my eye like this."

"I'm surprised you don't find me obnoxious seeing I'm always aggressive and yelling most of the time." Bakugo stated back flinging his arm over kirishima's shoulder.

Kirishima took a deep breath of bakugo's scent and closed his eyes. "I could never find you obnoxious."

"And I could never find you gross." Bakugo stated. He felt kirishima pushing something into his side. When he opened his eyes he saw kirishima's face buried deep into him. "Hey! Stop that you're gonna suffocate yourself!"

"Then this is truly the best way to go, you smell so goood!"

"Get off! Damn it riot!"

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