Chapter Six: Thinking Out Loud

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Liam's POV

Sat at lunch everyone starts to wonder where Zayn and Evangeline are. Sophia tells me they heard yelling and crying from Evan's room this morning. And no one showed up for breakfast. My mind switches topics to the day Zayn first told us about Evan. When he said she was different he wasn't lying. It's not the fact she has cancer but her attitude. She gives off a fearless vibe towards everything. When we went to the mall we all could see she was tired within the first two stores but she made it through the whole mall even waiting for slow security to get us through it. Her jokes are jokes that you don't hear the normal girl say but i guess she isn't just the normal girl. She's shown me pictures of her and Zayn when she was younger and the fact Zayn never made a move on her makes me question his eye sight. Not that i'm putting Perrie down it's just Evangeline was hot, well she still is she just has short hair.

We got to know her better that day. She loves music, singing, anything with a melody. She's been to so many concerts and remembers every one. Small artist, big artist, any place she can get lost in a crowd and dance. Evan can also be a comedian. She's the type that you have to learn how to take the jokes and know when she is kidding, meaning her sarcasm can be enjoyable once you get used to it. Evangeline told us stories how her and Zayn met, how the unique meeting turned into something bigger. Stories about midnight car rides and days when they were the only ones at the beach. She remembers the day Zayn showed her he could sing and that day she knew she was friends with a star. I could see how fond she is of Zayn and how she clearly wanted more but what still get's me is how nothing happened.

The doors open and Zayn is first to come in and trailing in behind his is a breath taking view of a walking Evangeline, but what takes us all is the long black hair that perfectly falls down past her shoulders to her hips. If i would have never seen the old pictures i would have never noticed her. She has on one of Zayn's flannels i asked to borrow many times but he never let me, her black ripped skinny jeans fit her body comfortably and her black boots top off the theme of punk rock. Strapped to her right leg is a bag and she rolls in another. She has a hop in her step as she walks through the lunch buffet. She turns and i catch her glance and she waves. I smile back and Louis and Eleanor turn her attention away. They talk as Zayn fills a plate and i notice she doesn't have one. Liz isn't with her now that i get a clearer mind.

They slowly walk to the table the only seats empty are the two next to me and the two all the way across the table. I wave Evangeline over and she pulls Zayn with her. She smilingly sits next to me. "Afternoon." She happily says to the table and Zayn sits down and Evan puts her legs on Zayn's lap and grabs a fork from his hands. As the conversations continue they share a plate and Zayn engages in more conversation and Evangeline slowly picks at the food on the plate.

"Love the hair." I lean over and she turns fast smiling.

"Thanks," she giggles. "Lou's idea. This was how my hair was before everything. Now that i feel it i had heavy hair." I laugh and she turns more to me. "So the shows tonight, what time do you have to leave?"

"You're coming to sound check right?"

"Am i allowed?" i nod and she glows, "Then yes."

"Not to be like down on this but you could barley walk and were in a wheel chair." She sits up and grabs my hand. She pulls it the the bag strapped to her leg. it's squishy and you can feel the water.

"It's an IV and every hour it is pumping steroids to keep my bones from getting weak."

"So you're on steroids huh?" She starts to laugh

"How did i know you'd say something like that." Rolling her eyes she takes a piece of fruit from the tray and i grab my water. "The only down side is it makes my dick smaller." She says so nonchalantly and the water that's in my mouth flies out and i turn letting the rest out to the floor.

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