Chapter Eight: FallingForYou

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(The drawing above or on the side has been drawn by a every talented and loved friend. I can't explain how greatful i am for this peice and fit perfectly with this chapter. So a big round of aplause to my great friend Analissa -A)

Zayn's POV

I see Harry and Lou starring towards and that's when i notice Evangeline stepping away from her slowly as she shakes her head. "Leave me alone!" Evan yells before she walks of and Liz calls out for her. I run up to Liz and i notice the tears running down her face.

"What happened?" She ignores me and keeps towards where Evan disappeared to. "Damn it Elizabeth what happened!?' She finally stops and pulls me towards the wall and out of people's way.

"Zayn I-I I don't know how else to say this other than as harsh as it sounds," As the news go through my ears it's like knifes to the heart. THe nightmare that haunts me is being replayed, this time i can't wake up from it. She apologizes and i hear her tears again and I motion for Harry and he takes Liz in his arms and i go look for the person i know needs to be held. I call her phone over and over and the thunder roars and i rush outside. I leave her messages and ask people if they've seen her. She couldn't have left beyond the gates without a mob or a security member knowing. My heart speeds on and my mind is making everything worse.

"Sir," i turn and one of the men in the bright jackets tell me she left in one of the cars we came in and i know where they all go. I jump in ignoring the yells and sit through the antagonizing long drive which is really only ten minutes away from the arena.

Memories of seeing Evangeline doubled over in pain and seeing the tears in her eyes from all of this come to mind. Her pail skin and cold body shaking from her unexplainable coldness all of that is coming back and i can't stop them. The week i went to visit her pushes all the worst thoughts away and lands at number one. Her second round of cancer hit the hardest, watching as she lost her mind slowly becoming another person far from what she was before all of this. Those last few days we had all prepared to say our last goodbyes as the cancer cells wouldn't stop multiplying.

The car stops and i don't remember if there were fans outside the hotel or not i was too busy running to our rooms. Wishing the elevators would go faster i pray she is okay and i am right she's here. Continuing running the part of my mind that isn't focused on the situation tells me this is evidence i need to work out more. Her room has been untouched but her jacket is lying on the floor in the hall way and that's when i noticed the service stair doors open. I can hear the rain louder and louder as i get closer to the roof. I look around frantically till i see her at the edge.

"Evan!" i yell and i couch down at the loud thunder and see the lightning get closer. "Evan." i place my hand on her shoulder and she moves closer to the edge. "I'm sorry Evangeline, I'm sorry this is happening." I have to shout. The rain weighs down my hair and i push it away from my view. "E-,"

"Why didn't you wait for me?" i barley hear her over the heavy rain.

"Evan lets go inside." i reach for her hand and she jerks away and i finally see her face. The make up running down her cheek and the redness showing she's been crying, or she still is.

"I loved you! I waited but you didn't!" Her chest heaves and she closes her eyes gritting her teeth. The bag on her leg is flat and her oxygen tank isn't to be seen.

"Evan Ple-,"

"Why didn't you tell me!? Why didn't you tell me you didn't love me? What did i do wrong!?" SHe screams out and i hear her sobbing through the storm.

"I tried, you have to understand i tried but you and i know we wouldn't make it. I'd always be away and well,"

"Well what? I was going to die anyway?" SHe cringes again and i need to grab her. I take a step forward and she mimics my move backwards and she's almost to the ledge. "I needed you! I needed you and you were never there! What happened to us over anything ... everything! What happened to the two best friends on the beach?"

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