Chapter Seven: Steal My Girl

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Liz's POV

Evangeline leaves the room with Zayn and i stay and help the doctor pack up and clear the needles into the bin. "I'm guessing you haven't told her." he says and i swallow as he waits for me.

"Just a while ago she found out she had 6 months left, then she was gifted with the permission to go on this tour. I can't tell her that the time is closer, that she's only got 2 or if she's lucky 3 months left." I hold back the tears as much as i can. "You go out there and tell that girl who couldn't get out of that wheel chair for months that the end is closer than she was told. Evangeline shows she's strong but i know this will break her."

"Elizabeth she isn't getting any better and those steroids will only speed up her body's ability to spread it faster. Once it hits her heart it will be a matter of minutes before she takes her last breath. Do you really want her to leave everyone she loves without a goodbye because that's what it looks like if you don't warn her. As her doctor i have to tell you this i have to lay it out flat but it is up to you to be the nurse or the friend."

I'm left alone in my own thoughts. Left wondering how or if I want to tell her. I suppose it's not my information to do with as I please. Getting the bag ready and changing in my scrubs I take a deep breath before I leave the room.

I'm warned before the car doors are opened. I can feel the body heat of the bunched up girls at the entrance. I get help from a man in a too bright yellow shirt that reads SECURITY across the chest. He carries in the two oxygen tanks as I hand another the wheeling case filled with evidence of the nerves pulsing through my body and mind. I hear the girls next to me behind the red tape call for my attention but I don't turn till I feel them tap my shoulder.

"Are you the tour doctor?" The older girls behind her smirk and shake their heads.

"No I'm a nurse to a friend but if it counts she's touring with the band." I hand another tank to the guy and finally get my bag out.

"Is it that girl that was with Lou?" Now the girls are more into the conversation and the brave preteen asking the questions. "She was with Liam and Harry at the mall the other day.

"Oh yeah. Yes that is who this is for." I smile and start to walk away before she had to drill me for another question.

"Who is she?"

"She's Zayn's best friend."

I'm escorted to the doors and immediately brushed with cool air. I hear music blasting and drums echoing. I meet Lou and Caroline in the dressing room and I'm told there's a surprise waiting for me when I see Evan. The watch alarm goes off and I walk to the main area where they're supposed to be.

I hear the music get louder and screams. I look around and I don't see Evan. I wave to Zayn on stage and he goes back to whatever they're doing. My name being called makes me turn and I see her stand. I'm taken back by her appearance and I almost break out into tears.

Her hair is just how it was when we met, her pail skin is glowing and her smile is real. I wave her over and take her to the dressing room. "Evan you look ... wow." I'm lost for words as I change the oxygen tanks.

"I know right! Lou is just awesome and Caroline knew exactly what my style was. It feels and looks so real and I-I," She takes a deep breath. "I feel like I don't have cancer. That my plan is going through." She tears up and Lou hugs her and all i can do is hope for the best. Lottie, Louis' sister, takes us to the seats we're given and watch the stadium fill with hundreds of people. I start to notice girls in front of us whisper and glance at us and i look over to Evan to tell her but the look on her face stops me. She looks down at her phone and Lottie turns to us too with her phone.

"Did you tell anyone?" Lottie asks Evangeline and she looks up and shakes her head.

"I haven't posted any pictures or tweeted anything."

"What's going on?" I ask and she turns her phone to me. Pictures and hash tags are all over the screen. "Is that you guys at the end of the year ball?"

"How did they even get these pictures?" We're interrupted by two girls who ask for a group picture.

"You've hit twitter." Lottie says and the lights go down and we're on our feet. When Evan stands she grabs my arm tightly and blinks away her dizziness. She gives me a smile and i notice her chest is red but she distracts me by pointing to the stage.

The ear popping sound of screaming fans and the vibrations from not only the music but the people that simultaneously jump up. The boys trail out and i hear Evan screaming for them next to me. I glance at her but as i do i notice people in front of her turn and take pictures. Singing along Evangeline is in her natural habitat.

A parent next to me strikes a conversation and we talk about how we were dragged here and i start talking about why i'm actually here. She makes me feel comfortable being the only ones sitting and just having a normal chat. We talk about our jobs and how we can't remember the last time we went this crazy for a boy band as her obsession was Kiss i was more of a Boys to Men gal.

Broken away from the intriguing conversation Evan is standing with a security. I question her what she did and she rolls her eyes. Going down two ramps i can see it's hitting her now. When we finally get to the last hall she stops. She stops catching her breath and i ask if she wants to sit for a bit but like i knew she would, she pushes on. We're down to the main floor and in front of all the ramps. Evan chats to Sophia and Eleanor while i look for a chair.

Harry introduces Zayn, i guess they all have to talk in the show. Zayn walks to are side of the stage and looks straight to us. "So it is coming close to the end and before we head to the next song i want to introduce someone very special to me." Oh no what is he doing? I look at Evangeline and she walking towards me, "My best friend is here," She stops and looks at the stage. "now these lads are my best friend too but we all have that hometown mate." Before i could stand Evangeline is being escorted somewhere and i lose them in the pursuit. "She told me that i'd be a star and we'd go on tour together. Well, I'm in an awesome band, got awesome fans to support us and without her i don't think i'd be here doing the one thing i love most to do. Uh so i want to bring out that same awesome person so she can experience what we dreamed of. Without further a do please give a warm warm welcome to Ms. Evangeline Sane!" From the corner of the stage i see Harry go for her and he brings her out as she's wearing noise canceling head phones and a blind fold.

The crowd screams and Zayn grabs her hand and the boys join her in the middle catwalk. Harry quiets down the crowd and Liam counts down from three. The blind fold is off and Evangeline grabs Zayn's hand. Her face says it all and she smiles looking around. Harry hands her a mike and you can see her hand shaking. "So?" Zayn asks.

"You all get to experience this on a daily basis?" Niall chuckle and i hear some of the people aw and laugh with him. "It feels like my bones are rattling." She turns and hugs Zayn. I race to the side entrance and help Evangeline while Zayn hands her off to me before he starts singing. She stops me from going to the exit ramp. "He said this song is dedicated to me." She turns around.

(I can already see the comments now. i know they never sang this song on the WWAT just roll with it -A)

"She's been my queen since we were sixteen..." I look at Evangeline and she has the look, the look i've only seen once. She's falling in love with him all over again. I need to bring her back to reality.

"Evan I have to tell you something. Today the d-,"

"It sounds so good!" She yells over my voice cutting me off. My heart is racing as it's just like word vomit getting ready to come out.

"Evangeline we need to go sit down you'll be sick."

"That's funny." She rolls her eyes. The boys get off stage and she starts towards them.

"Evan!" i pull her back and she yanks her arm from me.

"What!? Why are you trying to ruin this moment!" She yells and as loud as the closing music is she catches people's attention.

"Please let's talk in private." I pull her towards the exit but she stalls again.

"Come on let it out since you obviously can't hold it in!" She yells and i let out the breath i've been holding in all night.

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