Chapter 2: Your mark on me

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I had eventually fallen asleep as our conversations had drifted to silence. It wasn't awkward at all. It was a comfortable silence. Safe. Before I knew it we had arrived at this "Roswaal's mansion"
Lia: "hey we're here." Her sweet voice echoed in my ears. Drearily, I woke up and smiled at her.
Y/N: "morning beautiful~"
Lia: "you're statements are so bold..." she said with a confused expression. Too cute.
Y/N: "what can I say? Your looks are quite striking to me."
There was a pause. She looked at me bewildered.
Lia: "striking? What did you mean by that?"
Y/N: "what else? You're beautiful."
Her gaze lead down to the floor and for a moment I caught a glimpse of a smile. It quickly faded away and she met my eyes again.
Y/N: "did I say something wrong?"
Lia: "'s just...I've never had someone compliment me on my looks before."
Y/N: "how could they not?"
Lia: "it doesn't matter. Come, I need to heal your wounds."
Y/N: "all right. I won't push it."
She was silent until we entered.

A blonde little girl ran into the door way and puck flew right into her arms.
Girl: "bubby!"
Puck: "hi beaco"
Girl: "who's that with you?"
Lia: "This is Y/N L/N. She's injured so we decided to help her."
Puck: "correction. You decided to help her Lia."
Y/N: "I'm grateful either way." I smile at the young girl.
Y/N: "who might you be young one?"
Her face drastically changed from gleeful to pissed.
Beatrice: "Who the hell are you calling young one!? I'm over 100 years old!"
My mouth falls wide open whilst I hear a cute giggle from behind me.
Y/N: "m-my apologies miss Beatrice!" I quickly bow in remorse and extreme embarrassment.
Beatrice: "it was a mistake I suppose. C'mon bubby. Hmph!" She leaves with puck in hand.
Puck: "see ya later Y/N!"
Y/N: "farewell puck the fearsome!"
???: "who do we have here hmmm?"
Another unknown voice. I've never had so much social interaction at once in my entire life.
Lia: "Sir Roswaal, this is Y/N L/N. She'll be staying here for a while as she's injured."
Roswaal: "why hello there! Aren't you an attractive one!"
Y/N: "nice to meet you too sir."
Roswaal: "beautiful manners too! She's a keeper."
He looks to Lia who lightly blushes. I smirk to myself.
Lia: "well I'll be healing her now. See you at dinner sir." She quickly excuses herself and I.
Roswaal: "bye now. Don't do anything too hasty up there!" He winks and I wink back at him following Lia up the stairs.

Lia: "unbutton your shirt."
Y/N: "my oh my! Moving fast aren't we?" I tease.
Lia: "I-I didn't mean it like that! I just need to see where you're hurt."
Y/N: "I know. I know."
I slowly unbutton my shirt as she embarrassingly looks away.
Y/N: "we're both girls here y'know."
Lia: "it's indecent either way..."
I shrug and finish taking off my shirt.
Y/N: "done."
She looks back and quickly adverts her widened eyes down towards my stomach area. There were scratches, gashes and bruises everywhere.
Y/N: "is it that bad?"
Lia: "it's...unusual."
Y/N: "why? what's wrong?"
Lia: "a fall in a lake can't have done this to you."
Y/N: "then what?"
Lia: "it has to be some sort of magic. There's no other explanation for it." She gently placed her hands on my scars and then emitted a greenish-blue aura that engulfed my entire body. It felt relaxing. She slowly removes her hands and to my surprise I looked down to see them all gone.
Y/N: "how did you do that?!"
Lia: "I practice healing magic."
Y/N: "you get more fascinating by the minute."
She was about to protest when a blue-haired maid came into the room.
Blue girl: "Apologies, dinner is ready."
Lia: "we'll be right there." The maid nodded and then looked towards me.
Rem: "my name is Rem. Pleasure to meet you miss Y/N."
Y/N: "much obliged."
I then realised I was still shirtless.
Rem: "here. I was told by Roswaal that you might need some new attire."
Y/N: "heh yeah...thanks."
Rem:"I'll give you a chance to change."
I bowed in a thank you.
Lia: "I'll be at the dinner table."
Y/N: "see you there~" I winked.
She rolled her eyes walking away.
Lia: "you're such a dunderhead" she mumbled.
I giggled and watched her go. Putting a shirt on of course.


I found my way to the dinning table and sat down to my accorded seat next to Lia.
Roswaal: "So Y/N. Where are you from?"
Y/N: "nowhere here."
Beatrice: "makes sense I suppose."
Y/N: "what's that supposed to mean?!"
???: "sister sister. It seems our guest has been wound up by miss Beatrice."
Rem: "indeed sister. Our guest seems agitated."
Y/N: "didn't know you had a sister Rem."
???: sister sister. You did not mention me?"
Rem: "sorry sister. You shall introduce yourself now."
Ram: "my name is Ram. Nice to meet you Y/N."
Y/N: "same here"
Roswaal: "why Y/N. You seem to have made an impression on everyone here. What's your story?"
Y/N: "there's nothing really to say about me."
Roswaal: "oh come now. I'm sure there's something to you. Is there not?"
Y/N: "well, I'm just an ordinary girl who never really was excepted in the society I'm from."
Lia seemed to pause at this.
Roswaal: "hmm...interesting."
The rest of that conversation at dinner didn't seem to go deeper into that but I couldn't help but be curious at Lia's behaviour after my one sentence. Everything I say seems to effect that girl somehow. I should probably watch what I say.

Timeskip again

After dinner, I had wondered out to the courtyard of the mansion. I was told I could take my time to explore by Roswaal and so I took that opportunity to get my head fully around my situation. I'm in a mansion in a parallel world to mine and I have no idea how to get back. If I get back. I'm not complaining though. It's been pretty interesting so far. Just then, I notice Lia kneeling and looking up at the stars. She looked just as deep in thought as I was. She really has caught my attention ever since meeting her in that cart. I can't help but want to know more about her. Letting my body speak before my mind, I walk towards her and sit beside her.
Y/N: "Whatcha thinkin'?"
Lia: "eek!" She screams
Lia: "you frightened me!"
Y/N: "apologies. I was just curious about where your mind was running off to."
Lia: "I want to ask you something."
Y/N: "shoot."
Lia: "what did you mean by not being excepted by society earlier at dinner?"
Y/N: "exactly what I said. I was peculiar in other people's eyes but I have always viewed myself as a regular person. No one seemed to believe that and so I've always gotten bullied for my...habits."
Lia: "you were bullied?"
Y/N: "always have been. But y'know what helps? Being confident even when you're not. It helps you mentally to get you to eventually believe you can do anything. Even if it's considered impossible."
Lia: "yeah.."
Y/N: "is that what you wanted to know?"
Lia: "well, I also need to tell you something too."
Y/N: "go ahead."
Emilia: "my real name is Emilia. Lia is the nickname puck gives me. The reason I didn't tell you at first is exactly about what you just said. I'm judged for my...pointy ears and white hair because it's the features the witch of envy, Satella, supposedly had. It's always been that way for as long as I can remember."
She pauses and we gaze into each others orbs for a few seconds. Until I break the silence.
Y/N: "Well, I find those features attractive to me. Witch lookalike or not. It doesn't mean I like you any less. Like I said earlier, I think you're fascinating and you've seemed to make a stronger mark on me than those bruises from earlier. Heh..and also, Emilia is an even prettier name than Lia anyway."
She seemed to smile at this.
Emilia: "you're a strange one y'know that Y/N."
Y/N: "I've been told"
I giggle and she does too.
Emilia: "but I'm curious about you too. You've also seemed to have made your mark on me."
Y/N: "well then. Let's get to know each other shall we?"
Emilia: "eheh. Indeed."

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