Chapter 12: Your tears

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...I'm back here again...

Rem: "sister, sister...It appears Miss Y/N is still half-asleep."
Ram: "Rem, Rem. For one so young, it's quite sad to see how out of it she is."

Why are they in my room? Shouldn't they be with Subaru?

Y/N: "Ram...Rem? How's Subaru!? Aren't you guys usually with him?"
Ram: "We just checked on him and he's awake and well. I do not know what you mean by usually. Are you feeling alright Y/N?"
Y/N: "N-Nevermind, I'm fine don't worry. I just-"

I was interrupted by the door.

Emilia: "Y/N?! How are you feeling?"

I couldn't help but smile.

Y/N: "Heya Emilia! I'm all good. Alive and well! See?"

The irony in that statement was painful to say at the very least. The fact that was the first thing that came to my head baffles me to this day.

Emilia: "Eheh I'm glad. I came to wish you a good morning."
Y/N: "Good morning to you too."

I flashed her a smile causing her to do the same.

Emilia: "Want to come down for breakfast? Subaru is already there."
Y/N: "Gladly."

I leapt out of bed and swiftly followed her with Ram and Rem closely behind.

Might as well get this over and done with right?

I must clear two broad conditions, in order to survive a week in Roswaal's mansion:

1. Earn the trust of the staff here. If I don't gain those girls's favour they're likely to kill me, to silence me. That goes not only for Rem and Ram, but for their master, Roswaal, as well.

2. Defeat the shaman that attacks Roswaal's mansion and placed this curse on Subaru and I in the first place!

Subaru: "Hire me to work here!"

Step 1 is in motion

Y/N: "Hyah!"

While he's working I'll just train harder. least try.

"You're quite the hard worker!"
Y/N: "E-Eh!? Puck???"
Puck: "Haha! Hello there Y/N! Exhausted yet?"
Y/N: "I'm not done. I've still got a few more moves to perfect. Combos as well. I need to put them together and see what works the best."
Puck: "You're quite spirited today Y/N."

Guess you could say that...

Y/N: "Well, some important things are at stake here."
Y/N: "A-also, quick question, what kind of magic does Emilia use?"
Puck: " Ah, Technically, Lia isn't really a magic-user. That goes for her contract with me, too.  She uses spirit arts."


Y/N: "So those who use magic and spirit arts are different?"
Puck: "Mhm! Magic-users cast magic with their own mana, but those who use spirit arts draw
from mana in the atmosphere."

Wow I really am being taught lessons from a talking cat. This kinda reminds me of those crappy tutorials I usually skip in video games.

Y/N: "So, Sensei, How are the two of those so different from each other?"
Puck: "Basically, it depends on whether you use a gate."

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