Chapter 10: Your triumph and downfall

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Another familiar ceiling...the same one once again.
Instead of leaping from my bed, I lay paralysed. Eyes fixated above me. Only for my ears to perk at a sweet sound. Her.

Emilia: "Y/N? How are you feeling?"
Y/N: "..."

My mouth wanted to move but it refused to. My throat wanted to utter words of reassurance but it refused to. I was stuck in place. Entranced by trauma.

Emilia: "Y/N? Are you ok? Are you still in pain?"

For the most part yes. Though, you could never know. As much as I want you to. My cold palms then suddenly met with warm ones accompanied by a gentle but tight squeeze. It must be her.

Emilia: "Y/N, you're worrying me. Squeeze my hand back if you are still in pain. If you are unable to talk then at least tell me through this."

Snap out of it Y/N!!! I can't be worrying her! It wouldn't be fair.

Y/N: "That w-won't be necessary."

Gathering up the courage to move, I place my other hand on top of hers and flashed her a smile. Only for her to smile back.

Emilia: "Thank goodness, you gave me quite the scare just now."
Y/N: "Did I? Heh, sorry about that. I was just deep in thought that's all."
Emilia: "oh? What about?"
Y/N: "What if I say it was about you?"
Emilia: "E-Eh? I don't see why you'd be thinking about me but I'm glad you're still the same as always."

I could say the same for you. Just as I're shining.

Emilia and Y/N: "Huh??!!"
Y/N: "That sounded like Subaru's voice."

I'm not surprised really...not after last night. I leapt out of bed once again. Of course, not without Emilia's protests trying to hinder me from doing so. We still had a lot to figure out and I need to get my thoughts of my chest. So for now, I'm sorry Lia.
Ignoring her reoccurring pleas to stay in bed and rest, I immediately ran for the library. I know Subaru would already be there. Reaching the doors, I aggressively shoved them open recieving two surprised glares from the ones I wanted to see.

Beatrice: "Seriously, again? You're totally gonna break my door down someday I suppose."
Y/N: "Sorry Beako. Subaru we need to talk."
Subaru: "I know."

I walked towards him and leaned closer so we could talk in private.

Subaru: "What was that last night?"
Y/N: "Well that's what we need to figure out isn't it?"
Subaru: "Well yeah..."
Y/N: "Last night was our second death in the mansion."
Subaru: "Which means...that chill we felt."
Y/N: "It must've affected us the first time we died whilst we were sleeping."
Subaru: "And since we were awake last night, we felt the full effects of whatever this is that's attacking us."
Y/N: "Well, that's partly right."
Subaru: "Huh? How so?"
Y/N: "We were murdered last night rather than just dying suddenly so things are slightly different again. Though what you just said explains the immense nausea we experienced."
Subaru: "Yeah, I suppose you are right...but if we were killed does that mean the other people in the mansion were targets too?"
Y/N: "I guess that is a possibility considering this household contains a camp supporting a candidate for the royal selection."
Subaru: "If that's the case then it'd be a lot like what happened in the loot house!"
Y/N: "The loot house? Ah...right, I only came towards the end but I didn't exactly get the full story about what happened there. Care to explain?"
Subaru: "Well long story short, Emilia got her insignia taken and after she rescued me from a group of thugs I offered to help her find it again. However, after a long search for the thief, when we finally found out it was at the loot house, Elsa wound up well y'know...and I started from square one again.  Cue me trying to find her insignia by myself and having to compete for it against Elsa by offering my cell phone in exchange and then stupidly announcing my reason for wanting the insignia in the first place then leading to my demise."

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