One shot: A show to remember

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Oh c'mon, you didn't think I was gonna miss out her birthday did you? This also has nothing to do with the main story by the way...

Happy birthday Angel!!! EMT!!! 🤍💜



"Subaru! That's the wrong one!!!"
"Oh no! Sorry!"
Ram: "Heh..."

Things were getting pretty hectic in the mansion. Not that I thought this was gonna be simple anyway...


The clock ticked away as my eyes remained fixated on it. I didn't really want to show it...but I was bored out of my mind. I had agreed to stay here with Emilia while she studies about Lagunican history for the election. Even though she insisted I didn't have to. Why you ask? Well since she's been so busy recently, I wanted to spend some time with her. I had no idea she had this much to get completed.

Emilia: "Y/N?"
Y/N: "hm? Do you need something? Are you ok?"
Emilia: "ehehe, I wanted to ask you the same thing. Are you bored?"
Y/N: "Well aren't you tired?"
Emilia: "I asked you a question first silly!"

She began to giggle.

Y/N: "hmm...Perhaps I am. I want you to take a break. You've been working yourself too hard. Come sit next to me!"

I patted the empty space beside me on her bed as she cocked her head to the side as if deep in thought. She was obviously considering my proposal. Nevertheless, it was still painfully cute.

Emilia: "I-I guess a short break wouldn't hurt..."
Y/N: "Yay! That's the spirit!"

Getting up, her chair screeching as she did so, Emilia came and joined me on the bed. I immediately wrapped my arms around her. Missing her embrace.

Emilia: "I hope this wasn't too much of a bother for you Y/N."
Y/N: "Of course not!"

I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me a little though. I hate having to see her work so hard for a country that doesn't even appreciate her like it should!

Emilia: "If you say so."

We stayed silent for a moment enjoying each others warmth for a bit. I then noticed a book of Lagunican fairy tales laying on the edge of her bed.

Y/N: "Emilia?"
Emilia: "hm?"
Y/N: "Where did you get this?"

I pointed to the book.

Emilia: "oh? It's a book I've had for a long time now."
Y/N: "Is that so? How come?"
Emilia: "well, back in Elior forest, my aunt used to read me stories as a child as I couldn't really go out very much. I kept the book she gave me."

My heart sank. It saddened me how lonely she has felt without her aunt around. At least she has Puck but I want to be that person for her too. 

Emilia: "I don't get as much time to read them though."

Just then, an idea popped into my head.

Y/N: "Did you have a favourite?"
Emilia: "um...maybe the one about the appa dragon! That one always used to make me laugh."

She smiled, reminiscing back to when she was a child with her aunt in Elior forest.

Y/N: "hmm...right."
Emilia: "eh? Is something wrong?"
Y/N: "huh? Oh nothing! Don't worry about it. Let's just rest shall we?"

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