Chapter 6: Your blood, sweat and tears

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A couple months later (literally 😂)

"30, 31,32!"
I was doing some press-ups on the floor with Reinhard counting as I did so. I was sweating and all I could feel was the excruciating sensation in every muscle in my body. Everything hurts so so so much.
Does training always have to be this hard?!

Reinhard: "Yes. You need to be strong as a master swordsman."
Y/N: "Crap! Did I say that out loud?"
Reinhard: "Heh indeed. Alright I think that's enough for now."
Y/N: "finally!"

Ecstatic to finish, I jumped up and headed for my dorm room.
Y/N: "I'm heading out to change."
Reinhard: "In all honesty you deserve it! Meet me back here at noon. There's something I think you'll be pleased to here about."
Y/N: "ooh! I'm intrigued to hear it."

With that I left the training facility and walked down the hall. I passed Julius on the way. I've payed no mind to him ever since the day I was forced to stay here. Speaking of that day, I've been missing Emilia. I wonder how's she been? I recently haven't been able to read her most recent letter to me as I've had meetings after meetings with the other higher rank knights. They're planning on giving me an official knighthood soon and putting me up with the high ranks. I'm hoping it happens soon so I can return to the mansion to see Emilia as quick as possible. Until that day comes I must stay put with Reinhard and the others for now. Anyways, I unlocked the door to my room and stepped inside once after closing the door behind me. I quickly took a shower and decided to finally open the letter I had received from Emilia a week ago. As I began to read it, a smile I had suppressed up until this moment crept onto my face.

Dear Y/N,
I haven't been able to remove you from my thoughts. I don't understand it but I worry for you greatly. Are you taking care of yourself? You're not pushing beyond your capabilities are you? If so you always know where to find me. Recently, I have been finding things to be far more...difficult to say the least. On my way to the capital I was ambushed and had my insignia stolen from me. I rapidly followed after the thief however, I had lost her in a matter of minutes down the alley she seemed to have gone down. Instead of finding her, I had found three delinquents abusing this boy and I couldn't possibly ignore it. So I chose to save him. Puck teased me for it reminding me of how I saved you but I knew that if you were there you wouldn't let me leave him. Currently, he's helping me find my insignia again claiming he saw the thief. You needn't worry yourself about me Y/N as I know you will be. I'll be thinking of you.
Please be safe and may the blessings of the spirits be with you,

I smiled. She saved someone again did she? I always knew she would. Her kindness stretches beyond this world honestly. I love it about her. I began to grab a pen and paper to write her back when I heard a knock upon my door.

Rienhard: "Y/N?"
Y/N: "coming!"

I got up to unlock the door and open it.

Y/N: "sup appa-head!"
That was my nickname for him because of his red hair.
Rienhard: "I have a proposal for you. How would you feel going on city patrol for the first time?"
Y/N: "Are you serious?!"
Rienhard: "Yeah why not? It's my day off and this little test run won't hurt anyone would it?"
Y/N: "I'd love to!"
Rienhard: "Awesome! Get into your gear and meet me outside."
Y/N: "Yes sir!"

As he left, I quickly hurried to get changed again. I was excited! This was my first official duty! I'm so happy I finally get to help people. I can't wait to tell Emilia in my letter later tonight.

Timeskip again!

I was roaming the streets with Rienhard. Although I thought it'd be interesting at first, nothing has happened and I'm beginning to get quite bored just wondering around aimlessly.

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