Chapter #2

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It was 7 in the morning, as Jiwon came walking down the stairs to the kitchen with a smile on her face. While she was making her own coffee, her mother that was currently enjoying her breakfast gave a frown at the sudden change in Jiwon's attitude. Minding their own business, Jiwon was drinking her coffee and sat down next to her mother.

"Is that all you're going to eat for breakfast?" Ms. Lee asked as Jiwon scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Mom, would you please stop worrying about me for once? Me drinking coffee doesn't mean that's all I'm going to eat for breakfast. I'll eat some when I get to work." Jiwon said.

A smile was formed on her mother's face as she softly caressed Jiwon's hand.

"Why are you suddenly so happy this morning, hm?" Ms. Lee asked while Jiwon was confused.

"What are you talking about?" Jiwon said.

"You know what I meant. Last night you were angry at me because we had an argument and I know my daughter really well. Whenever she's mad, she won't be in a good mood in the morning." Ms. Lee said as Jiwon gave her mother an assurance smile.

"I was only mad because I was childish and besides, I wasn't that mad." Jiwon said with a smile and stood up with her cup.

Jiwon drank the last drop of the coffee and put the cup in the sink while she walks back to her mother, giving her a light kiss on her cheek. Saying goodbye to her, grabbed her purse, and walked out of the house to her workplace.

Jiwon walked into a cafe and bowed down to the workers in polite. She then walked to the back where the workers would put their belongings in their own lockers and wear their aprons to start working.

As she was done preparing, she walked out from the back and to the counter to start her day, while customers were already starting to come in.

Jungkook didn't have enough sleep last night resulting him to have eye bags. Both of his parents were worried as they looked at him in concern while trying to eat their breakfast at the same time. Most importantly, they didn't just noticed his eye bags they also noticed that he was out of it most of the time.

"Jungkook, what's wrong?" Mrs. Jeon asked as Jungkook looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Jungkook said as both of his parents frown.

"Are you sure? You seemed out of it. You didn't even touch your breakfast." Mr. Jeon said making Jungkook shook his head.

"I'm fine really. Maybe I'm still a little bit tired from the party last night." Jungkook said with a small smile.

"Is it about Soojin?" Mr. Jeon asked as Jungkook gave him a doe-eyed.

"This is about Soojin, isn't it?" Mr. Jeon asked in a gentle tone as Jungkook broke out of his doe-eyed and shook his head.

"No, it's not about her. It's just I think I'm just stressed and it's normal to be stressful, but I can assure you guys that I'm fine." Jungkook said with a smile and got up walking out from the diner room.

Mrs. Jeon sighs as her husband held onto her hand. She then looked at him with worried eyes.

"Maybe the engagement is too soon. Maybe we're pushing him too much." Mrs. Jeon said as Mr. Jeon shook his head.

"If it's too much for him, he would've told us." Mr. Jeon said.

"What if he doesn't want to get married to Soojin?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

"Then he doesn't have to. Our son's happiness is our first priority, no matter what. If he doesn't want to follow the traditions and wants to go on his own path then we will let him." Mr. Jeon said making Mrs. Jeon nod her head with a smile.

Jungkook was sitting on his bed overthinking everything. He couldn't find any new names on the guest list or maybe he did and missed it due to his eyes nonstop closing and trying to stay awake.

He then lays down on the bed in frustration, closing his eyes. His silence thoughts were interrupted when he heard a notification on his phone, he grabbed it only to see that Soojin sent him a message.

You wanna go out for a walk? He read. Maybe going out for fresh air would clear my mind. He then texted her back accepting her offer and told her he'll be picking her up.

Jungkook drove up to her family's driveway and honked the car signalling that he was here. Soojin came walking out and got in the passenger seat as he drove off to a nearby park.

Jiwon was currently cleaning the tables outside of the cafe and was about to go in when suddenly someone held onto her arm, startling her.

"Don't worry, it's just me." Someone said as she turned around and sighed in relief while holding onto her chest.

"Are you kidding me, Jimin?" Jiwon asked in a sarcasm as he gave her a smile.

After their small talk, Jimin sat down at one of the tables as Jiwon came walking back with his drink. She sat down in front of him while he was enjoying his drink.

"So? How did the party from last night go?" He asked.

"It was nice. It was big and luxurious, exactly like how I imagined from the high class families." Jiwon said making Jimin chuckled.

"Enjoy your drink. I have to go back to work." Jiwon said making Jimin nod his head.

It was 10 or 15 minutes later, she saw Jimin walking into the cafe and paid for his drink but when he was done paying, he accidentally dropped his card from his wallet not putting it in well. Jiwon was cleaning the tables when he walks to her.

"When is your shift over?" Jimin asked.

"At 2 pm. Why? You wanna take me out?" Jiwon asked playfully as Jimin ruffles through her hair.

"I'm asking so I know the time to come over to your house. I was planning on helping you and your mother cook today since I don't have nothing to do." Jimin said while Jiwon nodded her head.

Jimin then walked out from the cafe and down the street to his car. When Jiwon turned around, she saw a card on the ground and picked it up only to know that it was Jimin's. She then quickly walked towards the door, hoping he didn't go too far.

Jungkook and Soojin were enjoying their time together while also enjoying nature at the same time. As they were walking they came across a small flower shop. Soojin wanted to buy some to decorate her room a little bit.

"Jungkook, you can wait here while I make a quick stop at the flower shop. I won't take long." Soojin said as Jungkook nodded while Soojin took off.

Soojin was taking her time when suddenly Jungkook saw a cafe right down the street not far from the flower shop; he decided to make a quick stop to make use of his time waiting.

He walked up to the cafe seeing a man walking out from the cafe. When Jungkook got to the cafe, he looked through the window to see how it looks inside. As he was admiring the warmth of the cafe from outside, Jiwon quickly walked out from the cafe and dashed past Jungkook. By just a millisecond, Jungkook turned his head and walked towards the cafe entrance and into the cafe.

To Be Continued 

November 27, 2019

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