Chapter #12

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It was around 12 in the afternoon as Jiwon keeps her feet walking and quickly wiping the table clean, trying to finish her shift and go home and rest. As Jiwon placed the customer's order in front of them, another customer came walking into the cafe. Before Jiwon could go and take their order, one of her co-worker spoke up.

"Don't worry Jiwon. I can take this one. You go and head home." Kaylee said as Jiwon gave her a smile.

"Thank you, Kaylee." Jiwon said with a smile as she headed to the back and took off her apron, picked up her purse, and head out of the cafe after waving the co-workers bye.

As Jiwon got in her car and drove off, little did she know that someone was watching over her the whole morning.

Jiwon quickly parked her car and went inside the house, surprised to see her mother cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom?! What are you doing here early? I thought you won't be back until next week?" Jiwon asked as Ms. Lee gave her a smile.

"I decided to come home early since I finished my work. Also because I heard from someone that you are involved with a guy that is already engaged to another woman." Ms. Lee said as Jiwon raised her eyebrows.

"I .. don't know what you're talking about." Jiwon said trying to be innocent.

"Oh don't give me that tone and face. I heard everything from Aisha." Ms. Lee said with a mischievous smile and came walking in Aisha and Jimin at the right time.

Jiwon sighed and turned around to face them, only to give them a death glare. Once they saw Jiwon's expression and saw Ms. Lee beside her, Aisha quickly pointed her finger at Jimin.

"I wasn't the only one! Jimin also told Ms. Lee about it." Aisha quickly snitched on Jimin, bringing him down with her as Jimin gave her a "are you kidding me" look.

Before Jiwon could say anything, someone rang the doorbell as they all exchanged looks.

"Are you expecting someone to come over?" Jiwon asked her mother as Ms. Lee shook her head.

Jiwon then sighed and walked to the front door, opening it. Once she faced that person, her eyes widened only to see Jungkook in front of her.

"Hi." Jungkook softly said.

"What are you doing here?" Jiwon said with a stern tone making Jungkook quickly be on the same boat, knowing that she knew everything.

"I came here to explain everything." Jungkook said as Jiwon sighed. Before she could say something, Jimin and the rest of them came walking and stood behind her.

"I don't think you need to explain, Jungkook. What you did was wrong and I think Jiwon doesn't need any excuse from you." Jimin said.

"Please. I came to make things right." Jungkook desperately said while Jimin and Aisha stood by their opinion.

"Jiwon just tell him to piss off. He'll only listen to you." Aisha said, waiting for Jiwon's words.

Jiwon was about to tell him to go away but the desperate look in his eyes tells her otherwise.

"Fine. You have 5 minutes." Jiwon said making Jimin and Aisha's eyes widen as Ms. Lee stood there minding her own business. She knew that deep down Jiwon knew what to do and knew what's right.

Jiwon then led him to the backyard of her house, while the rest of them stayed inside to leave the two of them some privacy.

Jungkook followed behind Jiwon as they stood alone in the backyard next to the pool. He didn't know how to start the conversation as Jiwon turned around to face him.

"What is it that you need to explain?" Jiwon asked, making Jungkook nervous.

"I think by now that you figured out I have a fiance and probably be hating on me right now." Jungkook softly said as Jiwon slightly nodded her head.

"But I never meant to go this far, Jiwon I swear. About that kiss I don't know what came over me and I wanted to apologize. I never wanted to make you feel like I was using you or making you feel like I was lying to you. I am sincerely really sorry." Jungkook desperately said as Jiwon sighed in defeat. After a while of silence, Jiwon has made up her mind.

"I guess I could forgive you but that doesn't mean we could hang out like we used to that night. That day when you took me out for a friendly dinner, you made me feel like you were single and made me feel as if I was special for a moment, especially from that kiss. When I found out that you already have a fiance, it makes me feel even worse." Jiwon confronted Jungkook with her emotions.

"You made me feel as if I was just a one day side chick for you to have some fun, even if you didn't mean to. But I'm willing to forgive you because I was taught to never hold grudges because that will just come back and bite me in the ass." Jiwon said as Jungkook looked down in shame.

"I'm thankful that you came here to apologize face to face, showing me that you really are sorry and wanted to make things right and I'm hoping that after this, you won't show up in front of me anymore." Once Jiwon said what she said, Jungkook quickly looked up at her with widened eyes.

"Wh-what do you mean by that?" Jungkook stutterly asked.

"I don't want to be involved with you. You have a fiance and I don't want others to misunderstand that I'm trying to take someone else's boyfriend. I don't want drama." Jiwon said as she tried to walk away but was stopped when Jungkook held onto her arm.

"You don't have to worry about that, Jiwon. Right now I paused my wedding preparations to figure out what I need in my life." Jungkook confessed as Jiwon turned around with a frown.

"Wait. You paused your wedding preparations. Why?" Jiwon asked.

"Because ever since that night when we met at my family party after you ran away from me, I couldn't get you out of my head and now that I've found you and spent some time with you I get this mixed feelings that I shouldn't have. Since that night when I kissed you, you gave me feelings that even my fiance couldn't give to me." Jungkook said as Jiwon stayed silent over his sudden confession.

Jungkook then held onto both of her arms and pulled her closer to him.

"You make me feel things that I don't even know I could. The girl that I proposed to was the girl that I'm supposed to marry because of our family traditions. I try to love her the way she loves me but somehow I just can't and ever since you walked into my life, you are the only girl that I see." Jungkook said.

"If I'm the only girl that you see then why are you still confused in choosing between me and her?" Jiwon asked.

"Because I don't want to disappoint my parents. I'm their only son and I wanted to make them proud. I never wanted to make them sad or cry because of me." Jungkook said.

As Jungkook looked deeply at her eyes, he didn't know that someone was watching them from the start. It was already too late when he realized it.

To Be Continued

March 12, 2020

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