Chapter #16

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Aisha and Jimin both ran inside the house after receiving a call from Ms. Lee. As they got to the living room, not only seeing Ms. Lee but everyone else was still there. Once they made eye contact with Ms. Lee, she quickly stood up and walked up to them.

"What do you mean Jungkook took Jiwon?" Jimin asked.

"He just took Jiwon and took off. He didn't say where he was taking her." Ms. Lee explained as both Aisha and Jimin sighs in frustration.

"We tried to stop him but it was already too late." Soojin said, making Aisha and Jimin look at her.

"What does he want with her? I thought he said that he'll fix what he caused. Taking her like this isn't doing anything good." Aisha stressfully asked as everyone kept quiet.

"Because now he thinks he has a chance." Ms. Lee said as Aisha and Jimin frowned in confusion.

"Has a chance? With her?" Aisha asked as Ms. Lee nodded her head.

"We came to find out that Jiwon is my older sister. Well, half sister." Soojin said.

"Half sister? But Jiwon doesn't have anything to do with your family. So how could he have a chance with her?" Jimin said as Ms. Lee walked in front and faced them.

"Aisha, Jimin listen to me and listen carefully. The reason why I never told you guys about Jiwon's father is because I didn't think I would meet him again and I didn't think that I needed to bring it up because it wasn't necessary." Ms. Lee said.

"What are you trying to say, Ms. Lee?" Aisha asked.

"Jiwon's father is Seo Jeongsik, who is also Soojin's father." Ms. Lee said, making both Aisha and Jimin's eyes widened as they looked at Mr. Seo who has been quiet all this time.

"So ... he's the man that you once told us that left you while you were pregnant because he was a coward to accept his responsibilities?!" Jimin angrily asked as Ms. Lee slowly nodded her head.

Jimin couldn't contain his anger as he stormed towards Mr. Seo but was stopped by Ms. Lee and Aisha. The rest of them stood up due to Jimin's sudden strike. Jimin then pointed his finger at Mr. Seo.

"What are you still doing here? There's nothing here for you." Jimin angrily said as Mr. Seo sighed.

"I'm just worried about Jiwon. I wanted to find her as well." Mr. Seo said, making Jimin scoffed.

"Now you're worried. When Ms. Lee was pregnant, you didn't give a damn about it." Jimin said with an attitude.

"Listen young man, I don't know who you are but you better have some manners. You should know who you're talking to." Mrs. Seo angrily said as Jimin has a smirk on his face.

"I don't care who you people are. You rich people don't scare me. The ones who should be having manners and should be worried are you guys. Right now, we're not at your "people's" properties. You guys are standing on our property and when we do find Jiwon, we have the right to sue you guys for kidnapping." Jimin angrily spit back as Mrs. Seo kept quiet because what he said was true.

"Jimin, calm down. Right now we need to focus on finding Jiwon and when we do find her, we'll deal with them later." Aisha calmly said as Jimin nodded his head after a couple of seconds of thinking.

"When we do find them, I will take all of the responsibility for my son for his actions." Mr. Jeon said as Jimin, Aisha, and Ms. Lee glared at him before nodding their heads.

Jimin, Aisha, and Ms. Lee all knew that right now isn't the time to slit each other's throats. Right now they all need to come together and help find Jiwon before anything bad could happen.

Jungkook parked his car in the parking lot as he sighed in defeat, while Jiwon kept quiet through the whole drive. After turning off the engine, he turned to look at her but Jiwon kept her eyes out the window. He unlocked the doors and got out to walk to Jiwon's side and opened the door. He gave her a sign to come out but she sat there like a statue.

"Jiwon, please." Jungkook softly said as she ignored him.

"I want you to take me back home." Jiwon said with a monotone.

"If I take you home, you won't listen to what I have to say." Jungkook said as Jiwon glared at him.

"And you think by doing this will make me listen to you?! You're just making me hate you even more." Jiwon said averting her attention away from him.

Jungkook sighed in frustration. He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to use his strength against her but what could he do. Before Jiwon could process everything, her wrist was being held tightly as she was pulled out from the car while Jungkook slammed the door closed. He then dragged her inside the apartment with her trying to free her wrist out of his hold.

He unlocked the door to the apartment and walked in while pulling her from behind him. Jungkook didn't know how much strength he was using as he pulled her inside the apartment almost losing her balance, but he was quick enough to wrap his arm around her waist stopping her from falling to the ground. Their closeness was very close, close enough to where both of their noses were touching.

Jiwon quickly pulled herself away as he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Jungkook said as he turned around to close the door and locked it.

He then gently held onto her hand and made their way to the living room. Before he could say anything to her, someone walked into the living room.

"You've got to be kidding me right now." Taehyung said with a slight angry tone as Jiwon and Jungkook both looked at him.

To Be Continued

April 19, 2020

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