Chapter #4

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Once they recognized each other, Jiwon averted her eyes and tried to look somewhere or someone that wasn't him. As Jiwon was trying to be preoccupied, Jungkook let out a small smile knowing that his mind can finally rest. Jungkook then walked up to her, showing a friendly gesture.

"Look, I didn't mean to cause this accident. I will pay for any damages." Jungkook said as Jiwon looked back at him with a smile.

"It's fine, there wasn't any huge damage anyways. Your car is fine and my car is just a little scratch. I could just easily paint it over." Jiwon said making Jungkook nod.

Jungkook didn't know what else to say, while the tension became awkward.

"So then if there isn't any problem, I would be get going now." Jiwon said while walking away.

Before Jiwon could get inside her car, Jungkook ran up to her and patted her shoulder caughting her attention.

"Before you go, I can get your phone number. You know to pay you back for the accident." Jungkook kindly asked as Jiwon nodded her head without thinking too much of it. They both exchanged phone numbers and got going in their own separate ways.

By the time Jiwon got home, Mrs. Lee and Jimin were already finished with cooking and were now placing the food on the dinner table. As Jiwon entered the kitchen, Jimin arched one of his eyebrows, giving her the sarcastic look.

"What took you so long? I thought you would be back before 2." Jimin said as Jiwon sighs.

"I just got into an accident earlier." Jiwon said.

Once Mrs. Lee and Jimin heard that they both quickly walked up to her with a worried expression. Mrs. Lee was checking on her to see any injuries.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt anywhere?" Mrs. Lee asked as Jiwon shook her head.

"It was a minor accident. No one was hurt or injured and there wasn't any damage either." Jiwon said trying to calm them down and succeeded.

"How about we eat and cool off." Jimin said making both Mrs. Lee and Jiwon nod.

The Jeons just got done eating their dinner as they were now sitting with the Seo family, talking about the engagement. The adults were so into the conversation, they didn't notice how Jungkook's presence wasn't fully there; his body was there but not his mind. The only person that knew was Soojin, who were sitting right next to him.

"So what do you think?" Mrs. Jeon asked as Jungkook looked up at his parents with a confused expression.

"What?" Jungkook innocently asked as the adults chuckled.

"The wedding date." Mrs. Seo asked as Jungkook made an "😲" face.

"So? What did you guys decide?" Jungkook asked.

"We were thinking about next year spring. If we placed the wedding next year, we would have enough time to plan for the wedding theme and where the location should be." Mr. Jeon said making Jungkook nod his head in agreement.

Soojin and Jungkook were taking a walk in the garden at the back of his house, while she was fidgetly with her fingers in nervousness. Jungkook noticed her sudden change behavior and stopped her by standing in front of her.

"What's wrong? You've been quiet ever since the wedding conversation." Jungkook said as Soojin sighs defeatly.

"I've noticed that you've been distracted ever since you came from Taehyung's." Soojin said as Jungkook now understood.

"I'm sorry if I looked like I didn't give a care about the meeting today. It's just a lot of things are on my mind and sometimes I just black out." Jungkook said making Soojin playfully chuckled.

"It's okay, I understand. I was just worried about you that's all." Soojin said as Jungkook gave her a smile. Jungkook then gently took Soojin's hand and continue their lovely walk.

It was already around 8 at night. Jungkook groaned and laid down on his bed while closing his eyes. The whole day Jiwon has been on his mind and he doesn't know why. He thought that once he does find her, she would get out of his mind and he would finally relaxed but he was wrong.

Ever since he found her, she is on his mind more than ever. After a while of thinking, he picked up his phone and was again hesitating to dial her number. A lightbulb was then lit up at the top of his head finding another way to communicate with her.

"Of course. I could just text her and not call her." Jungkook whispered to himself as he started texting her with an unknowingly smile on his face.

To Be Continued

December 17, 2019 

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