Chapter #3

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"Jimin! Jimin-ah!" Jiwon yelled his name while running after him. Before Jimin could get in his car, he turned back around only to see Jiwon running towards him. Once Jiwon caught up to him, she was breathing heavily trying to catch her breath.

"What is it?" Jimin said as he playfully smiled at her. Jiwon rolled her eyes as she handed him his credit card. His eyes widen when he took it.

"You dropped it when you were paying for your drink. Next time make sure that you securely put your card in your wallet." Jiwon scolded as he pout.

"Fine. Thank you." Jimin said through his pout. Jiwon gave him a smile and softly pat his head. Before they could say anything, Jiwon gave him one last smile before walking away, going back to work. Jimin let out a soft chuckle before getting in his car and driving off.

Jungkook was currently waiting for his latte while leaning against the counter. Once the worker called his name, he turned around and gave her a smile, thanking her before carefully grabbing his latte since it was still hot.

He took a sip of the latte and had the satisfaction of how good a latte could be. When he exited the cafe, he turned his right walking back to where the flower shop was; but as he was busy enjoying the latte he didn't notice Jiwon running towards his way.

When Jiwon ran past him, he sensed someone and turned around only to see a woman running back into the cafe. Upon seeing her outfit, he had a guess that it's one of the workers there. He shrugged his shoulders and quickly walked back to where he came from.

Once he got back to where the flower shop was, he saw Soojin sitting on a bench holding onto the flowers and roses that she bought. He quickly ran up to her with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Soojin. I was getting a latte." Jungkook said as Soojin gave him a smile and nodded her head.

"It's fine. Do you want to walk some more or want to go back home?" Soojin asked.

"It's up to you." Jungkook said as Soojin was thinking what to do next.

"How about we just go home." Soojin said making Jungkook nod his head with a smile.

It's been a long day but it was finally time for Jiwon to go home. Her shift was finally over as she gets ready and says goodbye to her coworkers. She happily went to her car and drove back home, not wanting to wait anymore to try her mother's new receipt food.

She puts the radio on and was jamming along with the song, while also checking for safety. As she was about to turn right, she felt her car getting hit from behind. She screamed in a dramatic way as she parked her car and got out to check to see if her baby was alright.

Jungkook was once again checking through the guest lists and was slowly getting frustrated with himself. All day he has been stressed out and frustrated, only for finding one specific woman. He closed his eyes and rubbed them as he closes his laptop and angrily stood up from behind his desk.

"How am I going to find you?" Jungkook asked himself as he walks back and forth in his room. He then checked his watch only to see that it was almost 3 in the afternoon. He then found out that he locked himself up in his room almost all day just to find her. Even when he was walking out with Soojin earlier in the morning, he had this girl in his mind.

He then grabbed his phone and decided to call his best friend for help. The line was ringing for a while before he could pick up.

"Taehyung-ah, is that you?" Jungkook asked as he heard a scoff on the other side of the line.

"No, it's Mike Wazowiski. Of course it's me!" Taehyung sarcastically said as Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighs.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook sit down on his bed.

"Why do you think I called to ask for a favor? Maybe I'm calling because we haven't seen each other for almost ... 3 days." Jungkook said making Taehyung chuckled.

"You only call me whenever you need something or when you want to meet up. Other than that, you would always text me." Taehyung said as Jungkook sighed in defeat.

He then explained everything to Taehyung as he on the other hand tried to listen and understand it. Once Jungkook was done explaining, Taehyung tried to think of ways to help his friend.

"Wait, so does that mean you don't like Soojin anymore?" Taehyung asked.

"What? What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with Soojin. I just want to find her and cleared my mind that's all." Jungkook said as Taehyung nodded his head.

"Why don't you come over and we'll talk more thoroughly." Taehyung suggested while Jungkook also agreed. He quickly hung up, grabbed his keys, and quickly drove off to Taehyung's.

While driving, he made sure that he was driving safely but the thought of actually having a chance to find her makes him rush. As he made a right turn, he saw another car up in front of him and because of his speed he couldn't brake in time and crashed into the car in front.

He ruffles his hair in frustration as he got out and checked to see how much damage he cost. As he was checking, he didn't notice the owner also getting out from her car.

"I am so sorry. I promise that I would pay for the damages." Jungkook said while looking up at her. He then squinted his eyes when seeing her side profile. Something about her seem so familiar to him. Once she fully turned to him, both of their eyes widen when they made eye contact.

"YOU!" Both of them said as they pointed their index finger at each other.

To Be Continued

December 3, 2019

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