-How We Met-

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This One-Shot is About The next Gen!, And This Is Orginaly made By WebbyDings, credits to her! ^u^



A Lincabella Story!

"Hmmm..." Sakura pursed her lips in deep thought, then she turned to her sister. "Yeahhh... we're definitely lost."

    Isabella sighed. "I told you we should've brought a map or something!"

  "Hey! I'm a great navigator~!" She smirked. "I'll uhm..." Sakura took out her Junior Woodchuck Guidebook. "I'll climb up one of the trees and figure out where to go from there! You stay put!"

   Before Isa could protest, Sakura was already making her way up the tree.

   As Isabella waited, she heard a strange voice... a beautiful voice singing nearby.

   Isa tried her best to resist, but she just had to follow it!

   So, she left.

   She walked on as the voice got louder and louder, until she reached a sparkling waterfall. The voice didn't stop, it was coming from inside the waterfall!

   Before she could even think about jumping into the water, she heard a soft yawn. Isabella quickly turned, nearly jumping before she saw who it was.

   There was a young boy resting underneath a tree. He had unkept fluffy hair that almost covered his eyes. A book rested on top his purple vest, moving to the slow soft waves of his breathing.

  Isabella walked over to him curiously. She carefully moved some of his hair away from his face. He looked very peaceful.

  She noticed the book still resting on his stomach and tried to read the cover. As she reached for it, the boy began to stir and he woke up with a jolt! Isa slipped and fell on top of him, catching herself before their beaks could meet.

  Isabella couldn't help but blush as she looked into his eyes.
They both quickly got up as the boy apologized profusely, his face glowing red.

  "I-I'm so so sO SORRY!! I-I don't k-know how that happened, I- uh-"

  Isa quickly stopped him. "No no no, I'm sorry! That was my fault, I was just curious about what you were reading and I slipped..." She laughed awkwardly as she tried to hide her burning face.

  "Oh!" The boy beamed. "I d-didn't think anyone would be interested in what I was reading..."

  Isabella smiled. "Well... I am! The cover's very pretty, were you reading about merducks?"

   "I was!! They're beautiful creatures, in fact, I heard that some live in this very waterfall!"

   Isabella pursed her lips. "Ooooh, r-really?"

   Of course, she'd normally be excited about this... but finding out that she's half merduck/siren made it a bit harder to be surprised about. She wondered how he'd react if she told him... I mean, he did call them beautiful...

  "Oh, where are my manners?" He stuck his hand out. "I'm Linc!"

  "Isabella." She smiled and shook it.

  "ISA!!" A voice called out. That made both of them jump into each other's arms in fright.

  They blushed as they quickly let go. "I- uhm gotta go. Hopefully we'll meet again!" Isa beamed as she raced off.

  Linc waved as she left, leaving him to finish his book. He could barely concentrate after meeting his new friend though.


   "ISABELLA FAITHLYNN WHAT DID I SAY?!" Sakura hit her softly in the head before hugging her.

   "To stay put, I know... I'm sorry sis!" Isa twirled her hair in her fingers.

    Sakura frowned. "What were you doing anyways?" She noticed the blush growing on her sister's face.

  “I, uhm well... I met a new friend.”

I know, If you Don't know. But this is a One-shot about the next Genration!

And, Linc-(belongs to me)
Isabella & Sakura-Belongs(WebbyDings)

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