Misunderstandings To Friendship?

16 2 0

Waring:Aganst??? Yes Cuz Why Not! >:)


RAYMOND '{Her father)

CANNON Character.
Gyro Gearloose
Huey Duck.



It was around Night time Everyone Seemed To be Cowering in fear seeing The poor Girl getting Shouted by Her 'Father' Nicole one of nanny who took care of The girl stood outside the room pressing her ear so she could hear what where they saying.

"And Yet! You could not make a Singel move!" Boom the voice The Brown haired girl tremble in fear yet stood up trying to rain her posture,

The man Stood High his eyes flare with Such Hatred as he looked down at the Girl Seeing her shake

he thougth still looking at the girl "Well? Are you going to do better?" He snarld at her A muffled Repons came from the girl

"y-yes Father" she said trying to Make her voice loud and Clear

The man Who is Her 'Father' seemed to be convinced by her Words Without Hestitaion he left Closing The door with a loud 'Slam!'

"Miss Ivy! Are a-are you Alright My dear?" Asked a Maid, The girl with brown hair And Blue eyes Spoke Quietly "I-im f-fine" she said endless Tears Came.

Nicole was the maid's name huged the poor sobbing ivy comforting her.

"It Will Be alright!"

Snapping out From her memory as she focoused On her mission a Misson indeed that she was going to do to make Her father proud, 

She could see her Father figthing With Gizmoduck and his sidkick the masked Songbird, jelousy went through ivy, but she Shaked them away.

'Focous! You cant let your Father See your Weak!' Reminding her self about that and strated to join Her Father, Fight after Fight,

Throw after Throw was happeing Ivy Doddge some of the Stuff  that The masked Songbird Throw at her

but not a moment to soon a Flash of Beam light Went directly to her direction.

Suddenly she hered some voices before everything Went black.

....................................  ................................

The First Thing Ivy Noticed that she was in a room, Some stuff were There, Books, A Lamp , a Table, On The bedside was a plate of food laid up for her.

"Ah it seemes She is awake!" A voice that was Vagualy Familar walked in, Trailing Behind were two Ducks one had A hat and The other With pink highlight. Siclence In the room

"Im so sorry! I did not mean To hurt anyone!" Ivy said after she broke the siclence her tears still pouring down.

"No no its alright. We runed some few test you were just Pulled in By your 'Father' to be used as a another pawn. Why dont you tell me your name?" Asked Gyro Yes indeed He is Gyro Gearloose.

"I-im Ivy" She stamered a bit no one knows Her name Except her 'Father', Nicole and Her friend Ariel, Speaking of ariel her eyes winded At the mention of her name.

"Your Flower Midds?" She asked her ivy nodeed "Im so sorry! I did not know it was you ivy!"

"Im sorry too ari, did not mean to throw some Weeds at you" Tears had Fallen downn again As The two Girls Hugged Each other.

Pulling away Ivy said "Still Friends?" She said Holding out Her hand to shake. "Yep Still Friends!"

"Okay you two Break it up" Laughed Fenton he was still There stting on the bed

"If it helps you make feel better you can stay with Us if you want to" Fenton said As gyro gived a waring look,

"or maybe with Gyro then? What do you think Dr. Gearloose?" Asked His Assitant Fenton

It took about a mere second Before "Alright Fine you can stay with me ivy and dont worry about your nanny she's living back with her parents" he said as left.

"Welcome to the Family nanita" Fenton said as he hugged Ivy, Ariel Then also Jonied in Along side with Huey.

"Thank you" was all That Ivy could  say.


Word Count 675.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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