-Sick Day-

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The Other One-shot of this Friendship Group!
And quacksnack (lily)

Again this is still the main 4, the main 7 should be Next, ^^

Andy's P.O.V.

Saturday morning i woke up pretty late, wich was very unusual for me since i would be up quite early in the morning. I got up to fix my bed and that's when i sneezing, at first, i thought it was only the dust, but i kept on sneezing and my Nose(or beak) was suddenly running i quickly made towards my mom to ask if i'm feeling ill or not.

“Mom?, Can you check me if im sick“ i said  my mom turned around from the stove to look at me.

"You do look a bit red dear, let me check your temperature" she replied, getting the thermomiter and placing it on my crimpit.

"Ummhh, 40°c i think you need to rest for now dear, go back to bed, i'll get some medicine up in a few" mom said, going to the cupboards i sadly and grumpily walked up to my room,

*What about the carnival? With my friends.* I thought. I hope i could be allowed.

No one's P.O.V.

Dixie, Ariel and Lee were looking around for a gift to there friend Andy, after some time of looking  dixie Spoted a Fluffy giant Teddy bear.

"Oh we should get that!" Dixie exclaimed pointing at the bear, Ariel scoffed and said "I think Andy would not like that" Dixie sighed and replied "Well do you know her personality?"

"Ask Lee, he knows About andy, besides they're like buddies"Ariel said Pointing at the figure who was indeed that He was sleeping.

Dixie rolled her eyes "Typical Lee" she said, ariel went to him and shook him "Lee. Wake up c'mon Wake up Sleepy head!" She exclamied.

Lee who was awaken Immdently Shot up "huh? Where are....Oh right the carnival, so what?"

"We want to know about what andy likes" ariel asked while dixie agreed by nooding her head.

Lee answered "I dunno, she's a bit into pranks, so why not a carnival stuff" he said shrugging Dixie got an idea "How about if we make a mini-version of this carnival!" Dixie said as The two agreed, "So when are we going to make it?" Asked ariel Dixie then said "Now!" As the three Head out the cranvial to bulid Andy  a mini-carnival.

Mins Later (Time skip-at andy Home)

There was still no reply, Andy sat on her bed Hugging her pillow she looked at the window as her eye's winded at the sight of her friends. *What are they doing here?* She thought and shook her head and huddle herself up a warm smile creep on her face, not long there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" andy said as the door opened as dixie, ariel, lee, Came in and saw Thier friend Hugging three layers of Blanket's

"Andy? Are you alright?" Asked Dixie

"No, im sick and im so sorry that i missed out on the carnival"Andy said Her voice laced with saddness, Ariel went over to andy And Gave her something.

"Here Since you missed out the fun. we made a a mini-Carnival By Dixie she made this and we all help" Ariel said as explained.

"You Guys are the best!";Andy said As the three laugh and Chat with her friends!

The Friendship Group Edition of the One-shot i made!!!.

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