-BFF Party!-

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This is The Friendship Group Editon, (This Take Place When They Were not Still the Main 7 But Don't you Guys Worry! I Plan to make The Main 7 of This Friendship Group!! And also Sel is here)

This One-shot is Orgianly Made By -Quacksnack(Lily) on Amino So Credits To her! ^w^


“Are you sure this is a good idea? It seems like a lot of unnecessary trouble. We could easily get her a more practical present instead of wasting energy on a surprise party,” Dixie huffed. She crossed her arms, her feet planted firmly on the ground. She wanted to get back to modifying her suit, and to be honest, she was feeling a bit anxious about this whole idea.

Ariel giggled, putting a comforting hand on Dixie’s tense shoulder. “Lighten up! It’ll be okay! Andy has done so much for us, so I think this extravagant party is deserved!”

Dixie sighed, shrugging off Ariel’s sympathetic hand. “I think it’s deserved, I’m just a bit worried about what her parents will think. I mean, it’s really odd, and honestly kind of intrusive to throw a surprise party at her own house. Remind me again why we can’t throw this party at, say, Lee’s house?”

Lee’s feathers twitched in his sleep as he dozed off in the beanbag chair up in Ariel’s room.

“If we told her to meet all of us at one of our houses, she’d know something was up. Besides, I checked in with her mom, so it’s alright! She’ll never see it coming!” She smiled wide, already getting excited for the party.

Dixie took a deep breath, “well, if it’s alright with her mom, then it’s okay I suppose. You should text Selene now, she’s our distraction to get Andy out of the house so we can set up the celebration, yes?”

She nodded, “mhm! And hey, can you wake Lee up? The supplies are at his house and we are never going to try and pick pocket him for his house key again. He screamed so loud last time...” she shuddered, remembering the experience as she pulled out her phone.

Dixie kneeled down at the beanbag chair, shaking Lee. “Hey. Wake up.”

Still, a faint snore could be heard rumbling from the bed headed boy.

Dixie flicked his forehead, “WAKE UP!”

“AAAAAH!” The force of the flick caused him to immediately shoot up. He breathed heavy as he glared at Dixie and stuck his tongue out at her. “Rude. I deserve my beauty sleep.”

Dixie laughed, “More like you need it. Anyways,” she regained her composure as she stood up, “Ariel’s texted Selene, so that should keep Andy busy for a bit.  We’re going to go get the supplies from your house now.”

Lee stood up shakily and stretched, punctuating it with a yawn. He reached into his shirt pocket, pulling out a silver house key. “Lets go then..”


The sun shone brightly overhead, almost blinding to Selene’s eyes. She put her hand to her forehead to shade herself from the radiance of it. She tapped her fingers on the park bench expectantly, waiting for her guest. She wasn’t really friends with Lee or Dixie, but she knew Ariel, and was excited for the party. Not to meet new people, but she was excited to get some nice cake..

One-shot/short Story's/-Ducktales OC Stuff Where stories live. Discover now