~He Dose not Know~

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Before you Guys Read this This is Part of My HP Au.


A small Fanfic of my OC ben and Creatvies OC Lia with Matilda NerdyDork's OC! (On Tumblr!)

For Creatives-world



Lesson's That Day Were Kinda Slow, not mention Kinda boring,

lia beak's sat down on the Chairs the whole class were silent because of the Techer's Temper,

staying on their seats,Some Taking Down some Note's,Some Are sleeping, Lia Looked around her eye's Immedtly Landed on Ben.

Ben Who was Busy Writing did not notice lia Looking At him,

Not one second Their Astronomy Teacher Had Shooed Them Away.

Lia was about to say something to ben when she was pulled by another person.

"Matt! Don't scare me like that!" Lia said Wishpred/yelled at her best friend Matilda.
'Mattilda Never Ending Grabing' Thougth lia as she Fixed Her Robes and Straight Ahead With matilda Flowing her.

"Woah,Woah,! Lia Beaks! I saw you Staring at That 'Quil-Boy' Is there something Going On with You and Him?" Matilda Asked As she Jog up Right to her side,

she could have sworn she saw Her best Friend Blush? Sure lia Blush Whenever she's Embarresed But This? Seeing her Blush Like It was Almost like Her,

A small smile Creep up Matilda's Face shaking Those tougths away for one moment.

"You like Him Don't you?" Asked matilda Her voice in a Teasting Tone.

Lia Playful Smacked One of her book's On Matilda Shoulder,

As They Reached the Greay hall They Went to their Table,

Across from Their Table was Ben, lia and smiled at her as he turn back to Talk with his friends.

"Are You sure You don't like him?" Matilda Asked one more time and Smirked A bit seeing her best friend

all flusterd about This Boy she like's.

"Oh Shut It Matt!," Lia Said Smacking her Best friend again but this time Matilda Avoid it

"Oh Come on, Lia i was just teasing besides,I know he likes you." Matilda Said giving her friend A Smile.

"You Think So?"

"Of Course, Now let's eat before one of us starve" Matilda Said As she giggle lightly lia smiled and turn To Where Ben was sitting.

'At least He dose not know i liked Him,'

One-shot/short Story's/-Ducktales OC Stuff Where stories live. Discover now