-Why would you do this to me?-

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Just a Quick Saying!

So here is The mini one-shot For My sis/Friend-o Creatives-world and also to her Cousin ^u^

I know i Showed This To The others! So Maybe, if i post it here?

Welp i hope You Guys Love it!!!
A Lysandra And Ethan One-shot!

No One's P.O.V.

Lysandra Stood There in shock. Her friend-No Her best friend Left her to dance with someone. In wich she knew who it was! Lys look at them something in there eye's Sparkel Like the one's you Could Stare at the night sky.

But it was not her-
It was not Me

Lysandra Quikly Ran ayway. Away from Crowded People Away from everyone. Stoping on near by wall she Slump down on the stairs People Notice But didn't dare to look. She did not dare to Cry nor Anything but Guilt took over Tears, Tears Had fallen down, She knew she had to be Brave She was in Gryffindor After all! But where was The braveness or Cilvary?

Still Stting on the Stairs She let out a Sigh Wiping away a Tear she Wispherd

"Wh-Why would you do this to me?" Lysandra said.

Sadden By The Scean She saw. Lys Stood Up Wipping away some Tears. Gripping her wand Tigthly she went back to ball room In wich she knew he would Be looking for her.

After Dancing With that Girl Ethan Saw Lys With an angry Exppression on her face. Wide Eye's Eth Was Being Drag by Lys out of the Ball Room.

Lys Looked at him in the eye With one Glare.


"How Dare you! Leaving me? With out no one!?"

Anger Really shook Lys As Ethan taken Back?

"I'm in Big Trouble Am I?" Ethan said Giving her a Nervious laugh.

Lys shook her head in Agreement "yes you are" lys said As she did not dare to look Back.

"Boy This is Going to be a Long night"


Okay! So im back! Mostly after a long (hitatus) Kinda! ^^'

So This is a Mini one-shot based on My HP. AU as you can tell it's also based from the Goblet of Fire The yule ball where hermione got mad at Ron.(i love that scene! XD)

Anyways! This is For Creatvies! And Also to Her Cousin!!! -Ethan belongs to
Creatives-world And Also To her Cousin!! Hope you Guys love This! ^u^


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