~Friendship Never End's~

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A Family/Friendship! Story one-shot!
Since it's New Year! I deciede to Post something about the
A New Year Edition Of the
Friendship Group+The Other OC's! Like i Promised! Here is The One-shot.


7:19 At Andromeda's House

New Years Eve Was One of the most Clebrated or The Welcoming of the new Year,

Andromeda sigh This year is different, she Hoped for Something Good, With One last Glance Of the Room she exicted and Headed Down Stairs. Her eye's Widen in Surprise Her Friends Were Early,

"Hey Andy!" Said A Cheerful Voice That belong to Ariel Doves She turn her head To see Her best friend Grining at Her She was Wearing a Blie Dress that has Polkadots

"Umm Hey..Ari? What this?" Andy said Pointing Her finger at Everyone she knew she only Invited Atlest 9 people But to her utter Shock Everyone Was here. Elena,Ava,Arthur, jay,Lily,Luceilla,Tom,Ash,Matilda,Shelly,And 3 more people.

"OH! That, hehehe Well i thougth that maybe we need more people to help with the decorations and the food!" Ariel said Beamming like a child, Andy looked a bit unsure but clearly said. "Hmm I Guess we need Tho!"

Ariel Then went to the others to inform what would they be Doing, Andy smiled "Look's like everything would be okay"She said muttering under her Breath, looking at the clock

7:37 pm

Andy Sighed '5 Hours To go,' She Thougth Deep in the Thougth's she rember All of their adventures, the bond they share, and Heck! How Did This Group was Created, everything happened So fast that most of them are Really Exicted, while some are not

"Friendship Never Ends Right?" She said Wisphering So no one heard her Deep breath's And letting out those thing's she finally took the Camera. And Took Pictures of Everyone.

------time skip (Cuz im A bit lazy Today xD)--------------------------------

Everything was All Set, Food, Decorations, Ava And Elena Along with Matilda Were Chatting Happily, The Boys(Lee,Arthur,Jay,Ash,Tom,Adam,Blaze,Brayden) Were Playing video Games (in wich Tom won Betting Ash) Selene,Maple, And Lia and Luciella,Were Upstaris watching the star's

"You alright Andy?" Asked Lula Who looked At her with a worrying face She did not want to Ruin the whole party she gave lula a small smile "Yes, im fine im Just remembering how we became Togther as a Group, it feel's like it was just yesterday" andy said She felt like Crying a bit But She tried to held back the Tears.

Lula Hug Andy "Aww, It's Alright!" Lula said Breaking away from the hug
Andy smiled And Noded her head And Checked the Clock


"GUYS! IT'S TIME!!!!" andy Yelled Exticedly As Everyone Went outside They Could Hear Their Neighbors Shouting Happily Some Kept Quiet.
As They Started The Count Down!

10-Said Ava,Elena,Matilda

9-Said Lia and Luceilla

8-Said Tom,Ash,Jay,Blaze,Brayden,

7-Said Andy,Lee,Adam,

6- Said Ariel

5-Said Lula

4-Said maple

3-Said Dixie, bella,Bridget,

2-Andy Said As They were exticted.

1-! Everyone Cheered happily

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone Said As With a loud *BOOM* Beautiful,Sparkely, Colored Fireworks Exploded Through out The Night Sky, it Glitter So Beautiful Everyone were awe struck by it, they could see how This year is Going to Give Them A Good Year.

"Group Hug!" Said Selene As Everyone Hug Themselfs without one moment to lose Andy took out her Camera from her Bag and Took Pictures Of Their Friends.

"Friendship Never Ends?" Andy said After taking a Picture. She looked at her friends Ariel, Dixie, and the others laugh and said.

"Friendship never Ends~"


And There it is! The Friendship Group Edition! I added Some of the OC's! So it would be Fun!

Matilda,Ava,Elena-Belongs to Nerdy dork on Tumblr

Maple,Ash,Ariel,Jay,Arthur Lily -Belongs to WebbyDings

Bella,Bridget,Brayden,Blaze-Belongs to Brooke-Writes124

Lia, Adam-Belongs To Creatives-world

Luciella-Belongs To Lucy Lite (on amino)

Lee-belongs to quacksnack(lily) on amino

Dixie-Belongs to TheNeonBunny

Lula- Belongs to Lelula1

And Andromeda,Selene,Tom-Belongs To Me!

Anyway's! That's All i Hope you Guys have a happy new year! <3

I Hope You Guys Love it! Too!


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