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Name: Meleantio Sakamaki

Melean or Mel (Most hated nicknames since it sounds feminine)
Tio (Nickname)
Freak (Ayato calls him this sometimes, Meleantio will strangle Ayato if he heard it)

Species: Vampire

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Age:  16

Birthday: December 13th

Laito Sakamaki (Parernal older brother)
Kanato Sakamaki (Paternal older brother)
Reiji Sakamaki (Older brother)
Ayato Sakamaki (Paternal older brother)
Subaru Sakamaki (Paternal older brother) (Subaru is older by like a month)
Shu Sakamaki (Older brother)
Beatrix (Mother)
Karlheinz (father)
Richter (uncle)

What he calls Yui: He calls her 'Fairy bread'. Yes an odd name but there are many reasons behind it. He is basically calling her flat chested since bread is flat so he is being a bit mean. Her nickname is also like a compliment since Fairy bread is sweet and well cute but Yui doesn't know, she only knows that he id calling her flat.

Backstory: Meleantio was always a quiet boy around people, but he really loved music. He always used to play music for Reiji since he and Meleantio always used to be neglected by Beatrix, their mother. If Meleantio played an instrument too loudly Beatrix used to punish him for it by beating the shit out of him so that he couldn't play for months, but Meleantio always found a way to play so then Beatrix had had enough and started locking him up with chains and blindfolds. He was usually locked up for many weeks before let out again. He got attention from his mother in all the wrong ways. Reiji used to visit Meleantio when the poor male was locked up since he felt sorry for Tio. Reiji would teach Tio many things that he had studied. Tio developed alot of personality issues like disorders.
He used to talk to himself alot when alone when locked up since his many personalities would talk to each other but he was still just one person, himself. When Tio was around the age of 10 he had enough of Beatrix. He ended up stabbing the end of a guitar into her stomach before repeatedly hitting her with it, causing her to die. He still has the guitar with him as a prized possession. He hates Beatrix with a passion.

Cold at times

He is basically bipolar so many of the brothers be careful around him since he is worse than Kanato. He can be happy one second and then mad the next, very fast mood swings.

He touches Yui in many sexual ways
Instruments (He knows how to play ALOT of instruments)
Helping Reiji

What he likes really depends on his personality at the time

Getting pissed off

Depends on his personality

Crush: Yui

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