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"The End" casts the United States President and the entire political system as the villain in an end-of- the-world saga of events. It's the author's belief that all governments, but especially the U.S Government, can't be trusted. Over and over again, the U.S. Government has been caught lying to its citizens and the world, so why should we continue to give it the benefit of the doubt the next time we're told something?

There were no WMOs in Iraq; Osama Bin Laden wasn't in Afghanistan; Libyan and Syrian Presidents were 'not' using chemical weapons on their citizens; Clinton 'did' have sexual relations with that woman (and was later impeached for lying under oath) Hillary Clinton 'was' aware of the goings-on at Benghazi; Nixon 'was' a crook (and resigned when caught in the lie)....

In 1985, Ronald Reagan proclaimed to the people, "We did not, I repeat, did NOT trade weapons or anything else (to Iran) for hostages, nor will we." A few months later, he admitted to doing exactly that: "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not."

In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson got on the air and claimed two U.S. Navy ships were torpedoed in a completely "unprovoked" attack in Vietnam's Gulf of Tonkin leading to the U.S.'s entrance into the Vietnam War and the deaths of millions. And yet, like the lies told just before every major invasion, there was no precipitated attack. It was all fabricated. In 1965, Johnson admitted the incident was a lie, saying, "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there."

"Spain blew up the U.S.S. Maine in Cuba (President William McKinley), which was another lie causing the of 1898.

James K. Polk, the 11th President of the United States, told Congress, "Mexico invaded our territory and shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil," in order to invade Mexico and start the. The truth is, Polk ordered into Mexico, where, of course, Mexico, fired at the troops in self-defense.

Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, on the attacks on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman--the evidence is "indisputable" and "unmistakable." President Trump, "Iran did do it"... lies!

The Bay of Pigs, U-2 spy planes over the Soviet Union, Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush, JFK, Lincoln, the list goes on and on. And yet I was always taught that when someone is caught time after time after time lying, everything that comes out of that person's mouth should be considered a lie.

The U.S. Government is like that kid down the street who everyone knows is a liar. Let's call him Kyle... Kyle, the liar! Kyle lies over and over again. He can't help himself because, you see, Kyle's a pathological liar. Kyle lies for attention, he lies to get what he wants; sometimes Kyle just lies to lie. You know for a fact Kyle's lied to your face on at least a dozen occasions. Everyone on the block has caught Kyle lying more times than you can count!

Then, you see Kyle walking one day, and he tells you he saw this kid from school, Assif, pouring acid on a girl. For some strange reason, our delicate minds immediately feel rage towards Assif. Something inside of us, something cultivated for a long time, rather than see through Kyle's lie, we want to act quickly, regardless of truth. But I ask you, why on earth should we, even for a second, entertain the slightest notion that 'Kyle the liar' is telling the truth? Kyle, after all, tells more lies than he does the truth. In fact, it's not clear if Kyle has ever told the truth. Why shouldn't we, instead, err on the side of caution, and presume that every time in the future (including this time) that Kyle opens his mouth, he's, in fact, lying (at least, until an official investigation, NOT conducted by Kyle, can be completed).

And yet, for some odd reason, everything new we're told by the Government we continue to believe, despite its track record, and despite the findings of UN and third party investigators. Hell, despite the U.S. admitting themselves that they lied!

THE END  [[#Wattys2020]]Where stories live. Discover now