We're Going on a Field Trip to My House? - Part 2

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Sorry the story has been confuzzling so far, I'll try to fix this up and stay on topic this time.


- Katlyn


3rd POV

The weekend had been great. Peter had hung out with Tony, and only gotten about two hours of sleep in all. The only reason he had ended up sleeping at all was because, when he took a break from the lab, Red had taken one look at him and practically shoved him into bed. On Sunday Tony had to go to a meeting, so Peter had hung out with Red, Nat and Loki for most of the day. Red and Nat had bonded quickly, probably because they had both been spies and assassins at one point or another. Loki and Peter planned an epic prank war with (and secretly against) Red.

It turned out that, although Loki had tried to take over the earth, and Red had apparently blown up two dimensions because she had gotten bored, they were both actually pretty good people. Definitely pretty fun people. All of the occupants of the tower – aside from Nat because of how terrifying she is – had already been a recipient of the pranks designed by Peter, Loki and Red.

All of the Avengers had done what they did best, avenged (this time against the three pranksters instead of a supervillain) – aside from Nat because she was busy watching and laughing – but so far no one had managed to prank Peter or Red.

Loki, Peter and Red became practically inseparable. They all got nicknames from Tony, like everyone did. Loki was Witch, Reindeer Games or Snake Guy. Peter was still Bambi or Underoos, but Loki had taken to calling him Arachnid and Red called him 'My Cinnamon Roll'. Red was the scariest, so when she said she didn't want a nickname, everyone listened.

When school had started up on Monday – as it inevitably does – Flash's taunts and bullying got worse. Peter had gone home one day with a black eye and split lip, and it was all he could do to be thankful that the Avengers were out on a mission so they didn't find out about the bullying.


And then came Friday (the day, not the AI).

Peter trudged into school on Friday, feeling worse and worse about the field trip. His class was already lining up outside the bus, and Flash was laughing with his friends, thankfully not having noticed Peter yet. Ned was babbling excitedly to Peter, and MJ was just reading. Then Flash came over.

"Hey Penis Parker! Ready for us to find out that your internship is all a big lie?" he taunted.

"Leave Peter alone," Ned said, sticking up for his friend.

Flash's eyes narrowed. "Who asked you, Fatso? Why don't you two nerds just go kill yourselves? No one will miss you."

MJ snapped her book shut and interjected. "Flash, if they wanted to kill themselves, all they have to do is climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ."

MJ, Ned and Peter boarded the bus while Flash tried to figure out whether what MJ had said was an insult or not.

"Thanks MJ," said Peter as they sat down at the back of the bus. Ned was already back to talking about the tower.

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