Meeting Tony Stark

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In this one, Peter is Spiderman and Homecoming happened but he's never met Tony Stark, even as Spiderman.

Also, just want to say that in all of these stories, Infinity War never happened and neither did Endgame or Far From Home.

- Katlyn


3rd POV

When Peter's class heard about the field trip to Stark Towers, they were ecstatic. Peter, however, was busy sleeping when the announcement was given, so that was how he ended up in front of Stark Towers on a field trip, with Flash breathing down his neck, and absolutely no idea what he was doing there.

"Hey Penis, guess what?" taunted Flash. "I bet when Tony Stark meets me, he'll instantly offer me a place as his intern. And guess where you'll be stuck? At the bottom, where you always are."

Peter just shook his head and hitched his bag higher up his back as he walked inside with the rest of the class. Ned was away on family vacation, and MJ had the flu, so he was left alone to deal with Flash's taunts. But at least this field trip was better than the Oscorp one. Peter was extremely lucky that none of the Avengers knew his identity as Spiderman, and he didn't want this trip to ruin that. Hell, Peter had never even met any of the Avengers before! Not even as Spiderman.

When the class entered the tower, they gasped. The foyer was huge, and made of mostly marble. Everyone was slack-jawed when they saw the gold-painted pillars (that may or may not have been real gold), the marble walls and the obviously extremely expensive furniture and plants.

Peter marvelled along with everyone else, but when his teacher, Mrs. Warren, approached the front desks to sign in for the tour, Peter wished Ned was here. Flash's constant talking was starting to give him a headache.

Peter leaned against one of the pillars as Flash started to brag to him about how Tony Stark was going to personally hire him, and saying how much of a loser and a loner Peter was, and how his parents and his uncle must have killed themselves just to get away from him.

This last comment made Peter's blood boil. Flash could insult him all he liked, but Peter's family was not to be brought into the conversation. Ever. Peter stood straight from where he had been slouching against the pillar, and opened his mouth to say something but was beaten to it by someone else.

"Son, we don't like bullies, so please stop it," came a voice next to Peter.

The voice of Captain frickin' America.

Peter - and the whole of his class - stared at Captain America, who was standing right next to the Black Widow.

Several 'oh my god' 's and 'holy crap is that Captain America and The Black Widow' 's came from the class. Flash was so terrified he could barely move. He was being told off by Captain America!

"S....sorry, I....I won't do it again," he squeaked, scuttling off to the rest of the group.

The Black Widow glanced at Peter out of the corner of her eyes, and Peter immediately snapped his mouth closed. It was rude to do that, stare with his mouth open.

The Black Widow nodded at him. "He shouldn't bother you anymore."

Peter nodded. "T....thank you Черной Вдовы."

(Translation: Black Widow)

Peter froze once the words left his mouth. Oh gods he had made a mistake. And in front of the Black Widow! He shouldn't have spoken Russian, he shouldn't have spoken Russian, he shouldn't have-

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