Wrong Number, Kid - Part 3

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Sorry for all the angst and Peter getting beat up, honestly, I have no excuse for that I just typed whatever was in my head.

– Katlyn


Tony was tinkering in his lab when Pepper came in, her heels clicking against the floor.

"Tony?" she said, standing next to him. "Tony!"

Tony looked up from his project, tapping on his phone screen for a second. "Yeah?"

Pepper frowned at him. "You've been down here for a whole week. You haven't even come up for food. Rhodey and I are worried about you. When was the last time you talked to someone?"

Tony shrugged and looked back at his work. "I'm fine, FRIDAY orders me food. And I talk to someone every day."

Pepper frowned. "FRIDAY doesn't count as a person to talk to, Tony. No offence, FRIDAY."

"None taken, Mrs Potts," came FRIDAY's voice. "And I am not the only person the Boss has been conversing with this week."

Pepper frowned. "Really? Rhodey told me that you haven't talked to him recently."

Tony shrugged. "I have some other friends, you know."

Pepper raised her eyebrows. "Oh? And who would this mysterious friend of yours be?"

"Hi Miss Other Celebrity!" came a cheerful voice from Tony's phone, startling Pepper.

Tony cursed. "Bambino, what did I tell you about hacking my encryption?"

The smugness was obvious in the voice. "Don't know. I didn't check my messages at that particular time. Besides, you didn't tell me that there was a Miss Celebrity too! And when she says Rhodey, does she mean another one of your Russian celebrity/spy friends? Or a relative?"

Tony kept working on his prototype as he explained. "Rhodey is my best friend but he is also like my brother. And 'Miss Celebrity' is Pep, my girlfriend."

A gasp was heard from the phone. "You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?"

Tony chuckled lightly as he adjusted something inside the machine. "I didn't come up, bambino."

Pepper cleared her throat, causing Tony to look back around to her. "Tony, what is going on?"

Tony stood up, beckoning Pepper to the other side of the room. "One sec, buddy," he called over his shoulder at the phone.

"If you're doing anything gross, then get a room and make sure I can't hear you!" came the yelled response.

Tony flipped the phone off, even though the person on the other end couldn't see him, and then turned to Pepper.

"Okay, Pep, I can explain, but not in front of the kid. That is Peter, and about two months ago he managed to get his friend's phone number wrong and texted me instead. The kid's a genius, he hacked through all of my firewalls just to send a text because he thought they were regular security on a StarkPhone. He....I didn't mean to get attached, but the kid is adorable, a complete cinnamon roll, and he helped me with one of my panic attacks."

Pepper stared at Tony like he was crazy – which he just might have been. "Are you out of your mind? The kid probably only texts you because you're Tony Stark, and-"

Tony shushed her, glancing over at the phone. Peter seemed to not have noticed, humming to himself and occasionally saying 'take that, zombie!'. He was obviously playing Minecraft.

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