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W H E N I got back to the Triskelion, I surprised myself by visiting an old friend. I hadn't been back at the Shield headquarters for a few days, because my time had been very much otherwise preoccupied. And now that I had an entire day free, one without the annoying Steve Rogers, I choose to do it at my favorite place in the world.

Not really, actually. But I didn't have anything better to do; and I did need to talk to Fury.

I think he was surprised when he saw me pressing my nose against the glass of his door, with open palms leaving handprints on the cleanse surface. I saw the usual frown on his face, and my own personal physical affect; that vein by his eye.

I was never here on the weekends; and Fury knew that.

"Come on, let me in. I got to talk to you." I said; my voice muffled because of the glass. The locks unclicked at the touch of a button and I pushed it open. "Thank you, Mr. Fury. Hello Maria." I greeted the woman across his desk.

"Cortez," Hill tried not to smile.

"How is your assignment going? We haven't seen much of the two of you around here lately." Fury asked. He watched as I pulled up a chair and sat next to Maria.

"That is what I am here for, buddy." I said. "I have come because... perhaps... I may have..." I let out a sigh. "I may have misunderstood your motives in assigning me to this mission."

Fury raised an eyebrow and I cursed under my breath when I saw a hint of a smile ghost his features. "Go on."

"Rogers isn't the worst... I definitely like him more than Stark. So I just wanted to let you know that Operation Mr. Spangles is going pretty well. He knows how to use a cell phone now and a washing machine. I'm still working on a computer. Not very tech savvy."

"Have you been working with weaponry? I am going to need him to be fully equipped in Shield's weapons if he'll be joining Shield."

"I have not gotten to that just yet." I said and bit the inside of my cheek. "But I will get on that. Tomorrow. Right now he's catching up with an old friend."


"Peggy Carter. Apparently she's the one he had that date with long ago. The odds, right?" I laughed quietly.

"So he's doing well? Perhaps I'll reach out to him myself. Because Caulson is getting angsty. What with being kept in New Mexico for so long."

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