[ twenty ]

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NEW YORK america ____________________________

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I'm not really sure how long I sat in that uncomfortable plastic chair; with my long legs crossed diagonally and tired arms resting loosely by my side. A baseball cap resting on the crown of me head, eyes dropping every so often in sheer exhaustion, growing used to and accustomed to the steady beeping that told me, I'm fighting, Rogers. Don't give up on me yet.

The only proof of time passing was when the sun once again came through the window, shadowed by the New York skyline that had changed so vastly since I walked around the streets of Brooklyn. That and the man who took residence next to me; with an unbearable stench of body spray and a glowing chest.

"She'll be alright." Tony said. His voice was quiet, as if he was trying to convince himself and not me. "Nut?"

"What?" I asked. My eyes dropped down to his outstretched hand, where peanuts were cupped in the red palm of it. "No, I'm not hungry."

"I'll eat for the both of us then. My horrifying near death experience has left me with quiet the appetite, I'm afraid. Pepper is going to just love this." Tony's voice wasn't a comfort in my ears; and I wondered if I'd rather have the cold Russian assassin instead of the Iron Man sitting next to me.

"Don't you have a flight back to California?" I asked with aggravation in my tone. My eyes met his for half a second before they dropped to the floor. "Sorry, I-."

"Don't sweat it, capsicle. Just for your own personal enjoyment, I told the pilot I wouldn't be leaving today. Figured you could use some company."

"I don't need anything from you, Stark."

Tony threw his hands up in defeat and he sighed. "And here I thought me sacrificing myself for the city would bring us closer."

I raised an eyebrow. "Not if you keep talking about it like it's the best thing since sliced bread."

"You should know, you were alive when it was." Tony said.

A low rumble started in my chest before a small chuckle escaped my lips. With a shake of my head, I nudged his shoulder. "That's how I know."

Then our eyes met and Tony once again stuck out a hand to offer me the food he was eating. "I was thinking we should get matching leotards for the team. Maybe some sparkly spandex, what do you think?"

I was just about to answer him, something sarcastic no doubt, but the sound of coughing filled the room and my head snapped to look at the culprit of the noise.

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