[ epilogue ]

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The room was dark, only a small light coming from above. The room smelt like its own personal version of hell and my upchucking reflexes were definitely tested.

But it wasn't the smell that stopped me. It was the man chained to the wall. My eyes narrowed at the sight in front of me and I raised my gun, ready to take the shot, before a small voice startled me.

"Help me."

I licked my lips, my mind taking me back to the file I had read on him and wondering if this man I was talking to was a solider, or the man from America. I don't know why I hesitated.

"Please, help me." He said again.

"Who are you?" I asked then. It was stupid, I don't know what I asked it. I knew who he was.

"Barnes. That's all I can remember. Please, help me."

I thought of what the doctor said; he is starting to remember who he was. If that was the case, was the man in front of me really the soldier that shot me this morning?

I swallowed and took a few steps forward, setting the cold tip of my gun on his sweaty forehead. I wanted to pull the trigger, I needed to, but it was his quiet voice that brought me back to hesitation.

"Do it."

My eyes widened at his words and I felt the harsh exterior of my heart begin to crumble. And I told myself to build it back up, not to allow anything to get its way back in there. Not again. But it was too late.

"What did I do?" He asked me then, "Why are you here to kill me?"

I wasn't sure what to say to him. The conversation we had started was entirely one sided and I wasn't sure if giving him any information was a good idea. He could be playing me.

I put the gun to his head again, all hesitation gone as I readied myself to kill him.

Then a loud alarm began to ring through the hallway and the man visually started to shake at the sound. "They're coming. Go."

I bit the inside of my cheek, hard, and felt blood trickle onto my tongue. Swallowing it, I altered my aim and pulled the trigger. The heavy chains around his arms fell, and he right along with it. His knees collapsed onto the hard ground and he tried to steady himself.

"Let's go." I told him. "You're going to get me out of here."

"I don't want to kill anyone else."

"That's not you for you to decide. You want out? You kill. That's the way the world works."



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