Jax x reader ~X Eyes~

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The first time you met Jax, you were being held hostage in a bank she just happened to be robbing. All you wanted was to put your damn savings in, god damn it!

Anyways, suddenly a few gunshots were heard, and a few screams.

You whipped around to see a woman and a man behind her.

The woman who fired the shots was wearing a mask that looked like so

The guy was wearing a mask that looked like

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The guy was wearing a mask that looked like

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The woman with the glowing 'X' eyes mask screamed

"GET ON THE GROUND," and everyone did just that. The woman leaned her Semi-Automatic on her shoulder and smirked from under her mask.

She scanned the huge crowd of shivering and crying people on their knees.

"Goodness, look at all you little shits! DAMN. I seriously hope you understand why I'm here. Listen, don't make a god damn sound, and don't move. That's my rules, you sons 'a bitches-" She stopped gazing around when her head stopped at you.

You froze in your place, praying to whatever was out there that the woman didn't walk up to you, but apparently your prayers were ignored, and the woman did exactly that.

The man that came along with her aimed at the crowd, making sure they didn't act out as the woman walked toward you.

She raised her semi-automatic to under your chin, tilting your head upwards with it.

"Well... aren't you just... fucking beautiful..." She whispered, tilting her head to the side, making you blush.

"Tell me your name, gorgeous." She tilted her head to the other side.

"(Y-Y/N)..." You said softly.

You could sense that this masked woman smiled.

You took a moment to take in the rest of her features. She had black hair, pale skin, and dressed in mostly black. She had tons of rings on her fingers and about 7 bracelets on each wrist. She wore black platform combat boots and ripped black jeans. To top it off, a black sports bra. And that was it.

"Hm. Nice name, (Y/N)..." You shuddered at the way she said your name. Almost like she was testing a new flavor on her tongue. Letting it roll slowly out of her mouth, as if savoring it.

You decided to take a bold move, but it didn't phase or bother the woman at all. You spoke.

"C-Can I know your name?" You asked quietly.

The woman cocked her head at you, smirking from under her mask.

"Well... in this publicity you can call me Back Stab..." She slipped you a small piece of paper before sliding off to the rest of the crowd, robbing them, and before leaving, she turned to you and gave you a two finger solute.

That night you opened the piece of paper.

Jax. That's the real name. Need my number at all? Call me or text anytime. ;-)

(Random phone number sorry couldn't think of one)

You decided to give her a text.

You: Hey it's uh... Y/N

Jax🔪: Hey what's up

You: Are you seriously asking me what's up? You just robbed a bank!!

Jax🔪: Look like I care?

You: Guess not...

Jax🔪: Don't go to the cops, baby. Or trouble will aaaaalways come your way~

You blushed madly and sent her a quick 'Okay' before closing your phone and trying your best to go to sleep.

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