Sylvester x Reader ~Overprotective?... Nahh...~ !Requested! :-)

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Hey hey hey my beautiful Chans and Kuns! It's HEHEH me  again, and welcome to another chapter that has been requested by JaxxonDork so thank you! Anyways, let's BEGIN.


You walked throughout the halls of your high school, sending quick nervous and shy glances to every one as they all seemed to stare at you. Of course, they werent, you just felt that way, and you couldn't help feeling that way.

You stopped by your locker and opened it, all of your books spilling out instantly. You sighed loudly and tried to pick them up as one of the prissy girls glanced at you and snickered.

You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, hoping she wouldn't spread rumors about you later. As you finally got your books off the ground and gathered them up in your arms, you shut your locker. You were instantly met with the greeting face of your boyfriend, Sylvester.

Sure, he was gothic, but you didn't care. But boy did your family... The last time you tried to bring him to dinner, they almost instantly kicked him out of the house, and said you probably shouldn't date him any longer.

Did you listen? No. Because number one, Author-Chan is a kawaii potato, and two, because you seriously loved Sylvester.

That moment that he became the new kid, you fell in love. Sure, most people would say that High School love is really impossible, and that loving a Goth could be just as possible as true love in high school, but you proved both of those theories wrong.

He was the other half to your whole. Him writing poetry seemed to be the only reason keeping you alive before you two got together.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Have a good night?" He asked, smiling at you as much as a Goth could smile.

You faked a smile. "I... uh... yeah, I guess, yeah..." You tried your hardest to cover up the nervousness, anxiety, and worry you were feeling at that moment.

Though, Sylvester could see STRAIGHT THROUGH IT. (hhehehehe im not straight - Author-Chan).

"No. Something happened. Now tell me what it was." He said, his voice getting more serious than it usually did.

Your face went a shade of pink, and you glanced to the side, grabbing his hand.

"M-Maybe I'll tell you about it later, b-but not right now, we'll be late for class..." You said as you walked down the hallway with him to class.

Once you made it to Technology, you both sat down at the rectangular table you sat at.

You sat across from Jax, who was cuddling Dean, and you sat next to Nathan, your so-so best friend. Nathan was really talkitive, and you guessed that really annoyed Sylvester, considering the fact that every day Nathan would try and drown your head with the word 'anime' all day and never shut up about it, so Sylvester would soon get the memo that you were being annoyed, and Sylv would get your attention more than Nathan on purpose.

So that day, when you sat down at the rectangular table, Jax was, as usual, holding Dean in her arms like it was going to be the last that it ever happened, glaring daggers at anyone who even looked at Dean. Nathan, had his computer open, and FULL of news about all the different animes he watched that night.

As you prepared to get your head exploded wit his annoying Scottish accent, your anxiety flared up again.

You started shaking, and Sylvester noticed.

Just as Nathan was about to say ONE WORD to you...

"Hey (Y/N)-"

"Hey Nathan, have you ever thought about shutting your mouth? I mean damn, all you do all day is blab your mouth about the garbage anime you watch, and never even bother to find at least a GOOD ONE to watch. I don't know, maybe try 'BEYBLADE', or maybe try 'MHA', but no, you go for the shitty ones like 'Charlotte', and 'I Want To Eat Your Pancreas', you fucking weirdo. Now how about you go get a life with your closeted gayness, and find a boyfriend? You're probably so gay you can't even walk straight! I mean shit, you're so far back in the closet you can't even SEE past all your drag ass clothes. Now stop being fake and leave my girlfriend alone, you scottish dick." Sylvester spat at Nathan, and Nathan's jaw dropped.

The teacher even looked at Sylvester like you would at a cat that just took a shit in your sister's rainbow cheerios.

You giggled and tried to hold back a full on laugh at what Sylvester had just said.

Sylv wrapped an arm around you and glared at Nathan. Nathan started crying a little and you snuggled into Sylvester's chest, continuing your assignment.

Nathan never even tried to speak to you again. And a matter of fact, yes, Nathan came out of the closet about 2 hours later and got a boyfriend named Jabrill.

Now, as for you and Sylv, let's just say you had a happy and long lasting relationship...

For a very long time.

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