Sam x reader ~Sad No More~

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Sam. Sam Jadenson. The shy, lonesome, mute girl that you had always saw as perfect. Despite her inability to speak, she still tried in every way to make you happy.

But the bad part was, was that she wasn't happy. Of course, you made her perfectly happy, but what about when you weren't around?

That was the bad part. When Samantha laid her head down at night, tears fell like waterfalls. She missed you. Missed your warmth, missed your laugh, missed your caringness... she missed everything about you. And it terrified her to think that she would have to wait a whole 10 hours in darkness before she could see your face again. And it killed her.

Crying into the darkness of her room, she prayed the light would come faster.

Soon or later it did, and she jumped from bed, getting dressed and wiping her tears.

She made her way into your room and curled up next to your sleeping body.

You slowly awoke, your eyes met with her greyish blue ones. You smiled and so did she.

Though you noticed she was crying, you smiled and covered her face with kisses. Her face was bright red by now, and she looked at you with a confused look.

You chuckled a little and pressed your lips against hers passionately.

She kissed back with the same passion, and your fingers entwined.

After a while you pulled away and chuckled silently.

"No more crying. Or I'll have to keep kissing you~" You cooed.

She smiled sheepishly.

She grabbed her stickynote pad from her back pocket.

"But what if I want you to kiss me?"

You grinned.

"Well I'll do exactly that. I want you to be sad no more~"

You firmly pressed your lips against hers again. And it stayed like that all morning until Jax burst in screaming that Dean made breakfast.

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