Nyxie x reader ~ Mad Doc~ !WARNING SLIGHT LIME!

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(Art is mine!)

You always dreaded going to the doctors. For some reason hospitals and doctors offices and stuff always seemed to freak you out. You hated needles, and you hated stethescopes.

You entered the room that the nurse led you into, and you nervously sat on the bed waiting for Doctor Stark to enter. You hadn't met this doctor before, and that sure did not help with your anxiety for this doctors visit. You didn't have anything wrong with you, you just had to get a check up as usual. Well... not as usual as you should, since you hated going to the doctors.

You waited in the dimly lit room, waiting for you doctor to enter. Sweat dripped down your forehead, and you wiped your clammy hands on your (whatever pants your wearing).

'Would she be pretty? What if she's mean? What if she has too many questions? What if it's a dude? Would he be handsome? Would he or she be nice? What if she doesn't like me?'

Questions flooded your mind, and before you knew it, the door creaked open.

A beautiful woman entered. She had pale skin, black randomly cut hair with red streaks in it, green eyes and a doctors mask. She didn't really concern you as much as you thought that she would. In a way she kind of calmed you.

"Hello," Her raspy but feminine voice made you shudder, but gladly, she couldn't see that.

"H-Hi..." You whispered.

"Nervous? No need to be, Ms. (Y/N)," She said, smiling at you from under her doctors mask.

You smiled back, your blush now putting tomatoes to shame.

"Anyways, my name is Doctor Nyxie Stark, but if you'd like, you may call me Nyxie," She said with a friendly look in her eyes.

She started giving you your check up when she started to examine your neck.

She felt around it, checking on it as she would casually do, when suddenly you let out a small moan.

The doctor's cheeks turned bright red, and yours were even brighter.

"I-I'M SORRY!" You yelped, clasping a hand over your mouth.

Nyxie's smile sort of got a little less friendly, and her eyes weren't so soft and calming.

Her eyes were filled with a little bit of lust, and her smile was more of a sick grin.

You started to shake slightly, and she came up behind you.

"Oh my sweet (Y/N), I know how it looks... you just only meeting me today, but... me reading all your files, and searching up on you... it just seems like I've known you for so long...~" She purred into your ear, making you blush even more.

"I-I... I-... uhm......" You squeaked. You couldn't get anything out. Nyxie suddenly pressed her lips to your neck.

You moaned a little loudly, and the doctor proceeded to kiss and suck on your neck. After a while, she pulled away and you gave her a cute confused look.

"Until next time, darling~" She disappeared without a trace.

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