Maxx x reader ~Static~

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The TV head was SO sad ALL the time. Always trying to get that sadness away by taking a bath and electrocuting himself. You knew he was bullied. You knew he was self conscious. But you know what? You were always there to save him from that. No matter what.

Just like that one day...

He got home from school and there was a very bad injury waiting to be seen by you.

He snuck through the front door, trying to make sure that Nyxie or Harper saw it.

Nyxie would start panicking and try to fix it, and Harper would hunt down the dickhead who did and kill them. Brutally.

But you, you would totally beat up the guy who did it, but you would worry about Maxx first.

You blocked him on his way to his room and gasped. There was a giant, horrifying, and sorrow infested hole in his screen. Obviously caused by a fist. Maxx was twitching and the hole in his screen began to spark and leak battery fluid.

You cradled his screen, tears running down your face.

"M-Maxx who the hell did this to you!?" You shouted.

He flinched away from you and went into his room.

He would've tried to make words pop up on his screen, but that was quite difficult and highly painful considering the state that his screen was in.

You followed him into his room and he sat down on his bed, looking into his mirror. He sighed, and twitched as his screen sparked from the inside.

You grabbed his shoulders and made him look at you.

"Maxx, this isn't right! We need to get you fixed!" You said, staring at him with disbelief.

If he could've glared, he would've. He pushed you away, getting up and getting some medical tape. He tried his hardest to cover up the hole with it. It was no use.

You went back up to him and took the roll of tape out of his hand, grabbing his hands.

"Maxxwell, we need to get you to Nyxie! She can fix your screen, and then we can talk about what happened! Please!" You begged.

He finally agreed and Nyxie fixed his screen.

You and Maxx went back to his room after the long hours of getting his screen fixed.

You tried to force him into telling you who did it, but he always refused.


He whipped around, glaring at you if he could, grabbing you by your shoulders and pushing you against a wall. He pushed you up the wall, making your legs wrap around his waist.

He continued glaring at you with what force he could make out of that, and you looked at him fearfully.

After a while of being in that position, you started to feel a different feeling radiating from Maxxwell.


You decided to take this oppertunity and, with what you could do, kissed him. At least - where his mouth should be.

He seemed shocked for a moment before he found a way to kiss back. It was slow, and passionate. But it didn't last for long.

After a while you pulled away, blushing and turning your head.

Words popped up on his screen and he tilted his head.

"(Y/N), for one, stop being so annoying. Two, I love you, you annoying dork." Was written on his screen.

You giggled and kissed him again before you both embraced each other tightly.

"I love you too."

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