Jerk! Harper x Shy! Cute! Reader ~Stfu~ (Fluff I guess)

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(Hey sorry if I have spelling errors I got acrylics today, so I can't type for shit! XD)

"God damn, you guys ever shut up?" Grumbled Harper as she got up from the table, grabbing her dagger and walking into her room with a door slam.

You, embarrassed, put your fork down.

Jax looked at you with her glowing 'X' eyes and smiled from underneath her mask.

"Ah, she'll be fine. If she's gonna be Harper, let her be Harper." Said Jax, chuckling and ruffling your hair.

"She is Harper, Jax..." Mumbled Nyxie, annoyed.

You softly laughed.

Harper never really liked you. Actually, she didn't like you at all. She constantly shoulder checked you as you walked past her, and every time you were talking with Jason she would just butt in and start up a conversation with Jason, leaving you out.

You could never be mad at Harper. You loved her. Ever since you had moved in with these Psychos you fell in love with her. And god you hated it. How in the name of Zeus could you love someone who literally physically and mentally hurt you. It confused you, but Harper was completely oblivious to it. Harper already had a girlfriend, her name was Aiden. Harper was crazy about Aiden. You had met Aiden yourself, and, actually, you got along perfectly with her. Not that Harper was happy about it. Every time you tried talking to Aiden Harper would come along and steal Aiden out of the conversation. But as I said before, you could never be mad at Harper.

You heard soft sobbing one night and you got out of bed, throwing a hoodie on you and nothing else.

You tried your best not to wake Rikki, your roomate. You went into the hallway, trying to listen for who's room the crying was coming from. You checked Jax and Dean's. All you heard in there were the sounds of Dean softly moaning Jax's name, and Jax's seducive chuckle, then Dean loudly moaning. You cringed, hurrying away from the door, and checked the next room. Nyxie and Sam's just sounded quiet. You finally got to Harper's door, and that was where the crying was coming from.

You hesitantly knocked on the door, and in the room, the sobbing stopped. You heard shuffling and the door opened.

Harper stared down at you, her eyes red, and it was obvious she had been crying for a long while.

"W-What the fuck do you want, weirdo?" She said, her voice cracking. You blushed, staring up at the much taller female. She was wearing a black sports bra and leggings.

"I-I-I I heard crying, so... I came to your room- are you okay...?" You asked softly.

Her glare turned a little softer at your cute voice.

"N-Yeah, I'm fine... Do you want to come in, or what?" She asked, trying to act annoyed.

You quickly made yourself into her room.

She (fake annoyed) motioned you to sit on her bed with her.

You did exactly that, and you turned to look at her. She was staring out her window, gazing at the black night sky.

"H-Harper what happened?- M-May I ask...?" You asked softly, and she lowered her head.

A few tears slipped down her cheeks, and she growled, putting her face in her hand for a second, wiping at the tears in an angry way.

"F-fucking Aiden broke up with me." She stated violently.

Your eyes widened, and your mouth agaped slightly.

"Oh, Harper.. I'm so sorry," You said quietly.

She rolled her eyes, tears still going down her face.

"No, whatever. S-She didn't deserve an asshole like me anyway..." She stated angrily, looking out the window again.

"No, Harper! If she couldn't see what a great person you are, she wouldn't have broken up with you! And mark my words, if she couldn't see the good in you, she's blinder than Kenshi Takahashi! And I mean that!" You stated, your adorable voice making her smile slightly.

"T-Thanks, weir-... (Y/N)..." She whispered your name, making you blush.

You both sat there in silence for about 3 min or so, before she suddenly turned around, grabbing you, pinning you down and getting in between your legs, kissing you deeply and passionately. You, surprised as shit, kissed back with your cute softness. She broke only for a few seconds at a time for air before kissing you again.

"*kiss* I *kiss* hate *kiss* that *kiss* I never *kiss* told you *kiss* how much *kiss* I *kiss* love *kiss* you..." She said in between quick kisses.

You giggled, breaking the kiss for a moment before whispering

"I love you twooo OwO"

(Heheheheh it's been a while since I've used Harper. Looks like she's back!)

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