Andy x Reader ~Deal With It~

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@FireLillyidc7 love you bro!!!!


She had just recently moved in with the rest of us, brought by Maxx. He found her at school, and apparently she coudln't go back to her other home, so she had to stay with us.

More importantly, she had to share a room with me.

I obviously whined about it, I mean Andy's not bad, but... I don't know... I just get a toxic feeling around her. I mean she's got like 2 foot horns, who wouldn't be intimidated?

She slept like a baby every night, but every time she rolled over or something her horns would scrape against the wall.

I couldn't sleep it was so LOUD.

The next morning she flew over to me and hung upside down from the ceiling.

"Hey weirdo~ You look tired. Didn't get any sleep last night?" She asked, chuckling a little.

I glared at her.

"I couldn't because of your god forsaken horns, Andy..." You grumbled.

Suddenly you felt a harsh pain in your cheek.

You grimaced, cupping your cheek.

She glared at you, her fist now covered in a little blood. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"YOU THINK I CAN HELP IT!?" She spread her wings and flew off while crying.

You stood there, eyes wide as you instantly regretted saying that. You knew she couldn't help it. I mean shes the daughter of the devil, what are you expecting? You knew she had every right to punch you for saying that. Andy was already self-conscious about everything about herself. I mean hell, she's tried to cut off her horns before. Axel helped heal her, but Andy already basically hated herself, so you insulting her like that totally didn't help with that.

You found her later at the Tree Of Poison, crying.

You tried your best to comfort her, and you kept apologizing.

"Hey, your horns are awesome. I honestly cannot see you without them." You smiled.

She glared at you and grabbed your collar, slamming you against the trunk of the tree.

You prepared to die, but instead, before she could even think of throwing a punch or something, she slammed her lips into yours.

You kissed back after a moment of shock.

She pulled back, dropping you and your feet firmly contacted to the branch you guys were standing on.

"You don't like my horns? Deal with it."

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