Liam x Bully! reader ~Psychopathic People~ !Warning: Violence!

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You keep calling me a psycho...!~
Got it in my head!~
Careful what you say!!~
Think you might be right though~~
You made me a psycho...
A psycho...


She walked through the halls, her permanent glare burning holes into everyone's heads. She clutched her notebook and pen in her hand, which was the objects she used to speak, since she couldn't. Though Liam's glare was mind melting, Your sickening grin and scowl was way more powerful than her glaring eyes.

Just because she was covered eye-to-toe in tattoos didn't mean she didn't have a free ride from being picked on.

Sure, Liam was COMPLETELY left alone by every one, but not you. You decided that instead of maybe at least trying to become her friend that every day you would try to hurt her. Verbally, usually.

Sure, Liam was delusional, and quite an angry person, but she never let that show. But little did you know, with every name, and every shove, and every little thing you called her, Liam saved it.

She let the anger in her veins flow slowly throughout her body, letting it completely overtake her. But she kept that inside, and saved it for the right time.

On Tuesday, you decided to physically attack her. Though you didn't really want to do it, you did.  You just felt like she deserved it. I mean what fucking idiot goes and gets MILLIONS of tattoos eye-to-toe of a skeleton? It was dumb. You thought and believed that she needed someone to knock sense into her.

But little did you know, after Liam's brother, Tate, was taken away from her and seperated, everything went horrible. Liam was raped. She was beaten. She was completely and utterly disgusted by the scars that life left on her, and her only resort was to the tattoos. Eye to toe, she watched the needle slowly and painfully draw over her scarred skin and make the pain of her past life disappear. She chose not to speak. Not that she could after all the traumatizing stuff that happened. She used a notebook and pen to speak, and still, she barely even used that.

She dressed really breezily, not caring weather or not she was expelled for breaking dress code. The teachers soon or later realized that she wasn't going to listen to what they had to say, so they just let her go after a while. But Liam dressed little for a reason. she wanted people to know what she had been through.

Why choose the skeleton as a design, you ask?

Well, Liam felt like all she had left after the death, rape, abuse, broken glass, murder and agony, all she had left was her skeleton. But instead of being what she thought, she was left with thousands of scars. So, she made her thoughts a reality and got rid of her past hurt flesh and replaced it with the black ink of a skeleton across her skin.

You thought it was dumb. Because you... you were beautiful. You had beautiful (e/c) eyes, (y/h/c) hair, and smooth (skin colour).

Liam was jealous and amazed by it. She had just realized that she had loved you. And loved you. And loved you. And by god, she HATED it.

You called her a freak, a faggot, a slut, a disgrace to mankind, and yet Liam loved you?

You were oblivious, but Liam didn't care. She wanted that 'love' feeling to go away. And this time... she was going to make sure it went away.

As Liam walked out of the school, her phone in her hand, you grabbed her.

You shoved her against the hard concrete wall.

"HEY YOU FREAK! WHATCHYA DOING?" You snatched Liam's phone and scrolled through it.

"Texting half the guys in school to meet you in your bed?" She spat.

Liam glared, looking away.

"Speak you fucking SLUT." You screamed.

Liam reached for her notebook and swiftly wrote:

"I can't, you know that."

You rolled your eyes.

"You know, you should really learn to talk. Let's see if I can FIX that..."

Liam felt a sharp pain in her neck.

She was kicked to the ground, heaving in pain.

Liam glared up at you and you scoffed.

You called her a few names... and suddenly... you were on the ground. Liam was inbetween your legs, and your head was throbbing in pain. You groaned, opening your eyes.

Suddenly, Liam raised her fist. She drove it into your face repeatedly. So many times she punched you. No matter how much you screamed. No matter how much blood was shed.

You screamed for her to stop, but she didn't. She kept punching your face and stomach, your head was spinning and you couldn't see straight.

Hot and heavy black tears ran down Liam's face. She kept punching you, until they got less frequent and less hard. They soon went limp, and before she stopped, she reached in her pocket, pulling out her brother's ring. She put it on her ring finger, and punched your face with all of her force.

You blacked out for a few moments. When you opened your eyes, blood pouring from your nose and everywhere else on your face, you couldn't move.

You looked up, seeing Liam standing over you.

She grunted a few times, twitching as she tried to speak.

"You keep calling me a psycho. Had that in my head, careful what you say. T-Think you might be right, though....... you made me a psycho... a psycho."

You groaned in pain, and she kneeled next to your bleeding body.

She leaned over, passionately kissing your lips.

It only lasted a few seconds, and she wiped her blood smeared lips.

You blushed, but didn't care.

"I love you, (Y/N)."  She walked away, never to be seen again. Some say she became a hitman, some say she was put in a mental hospital... no one knows what happened to Liam Langdon.

About 2 hours later someone found you and took you to the hospital. You didn't care if you were hurt or not.

No one ever saw Liam Langdon ever again. Some say she became a hitman, some say she was put in a mental hospital... no one knows what happened to Liam Langdon.

But you did.

She returned to where she belongs.

With Tate. With her demons. With murder.

With her only family.

With love.

With psychopathic people.


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